Bitcoin Surge

If merchants began directly accepting bitcoins, they'd drop the CC fees out of the purchase price. Only #2 remains a use case for CCs, and they're also one of the reasons merchants hate CCs--chargebacks.
i dont get why you'd use bitcoin over a credit card for legal goods

1) fraud coverage (yes i know this is less likely with bitcoin but what if someone steals your wallet or whatever)
2) can dispute transactions if merchant screws up
3) 2-3% cash back

i realize a credit card is not a currency, but people are using bitcoin as a payment, not just as a currency. i guess a CC could use bitcoin behind it but i don't know if this exists?

Because fuck the banks and their entire corrupt system of debt slavery?
How can people think Bitcoin is just some thing degenerate dark web pedos use to buy drugs in 2017
I bought a $30 bag of weed for $60k of today's bitcoins a few years ago. transaction went fine, but I don't think I'd do it again, getting a smelly package in the mail was a little suspicious

fun ride!