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You are delusional. LT was nothing more than a server rule set that started up near the end of t1's golden era. It was fun as hell to play, since it accentuated the style I preferred, but it was too little too late for a dying player base.

Whatever zombee says in public about the map pack doesnt matter.

The trend in all the mods and all the pubs was Cluster Tribes at the time. Ppl were doing light only exclusively on bootcamp servers. Arena limited heavy and medium, duel was alright light only. There were _pub maps. The euro cluster scene was big. Mods had spawn favs.

It may have come at the end of 10v10 competition but LT as maps would have happened with or without zombee.

It's myopic and dumb to give zombee the sole credit for something that was a community effort. Look at The Best Of The Best videos for further evidence of this.

Tribes 1 LT ended up being the secret 5150/IE bootcamp of Tribes because its had so many former and current 5150/IE members stick around and play it for over a decade now. More so LT still gets professional gamers, cash winners from all games, including the new tribes games, come to train in T1 LT over the years specifically for the elite and exclusive level of skill required to even play.

basically what im saying is people need to come with at least a scoobysnack vanster logroll attitude or get fucked noobie, the "LT kiddies" took over 5150, win money in other games, and fishstix runs content marketing on, i love base but LT is also one of the standards now, deal with it etc

Tribes 1 4 lyfe dont h8 me if im better than u at it :]
this is havax logged in as highfive because he told me to do it and he's a lazy asshole, so yeah, sign highfive up, thanks.