diablo 3

i love the wizard. was saddened when they moved arcane beam to higher levels, but then i found out they gave us a rune to double the blast radius of arcane bomb(not the right name) in it's place
only when fighting a group. don't expect to be able to just keep the mouse clicked the entire game.


u can hold 2 move as well

so as long as ur pointer skills r good u really dont have to let go of left click

neway frenzy on barb is fukin nuts & there is a rune that increases its dmg output and summons a giant lightning bolt and shit at higher levels
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so, there's unlimited changes to skills you can make right, so there won't be any reason to reroll at all right?

except for hc
i enjoy monk the most. its basically an eastern themed paladin. main attacks are 3 hit combos with each hit a little different depending on what rune you have. he has heals and "auras" as well. seems like he'll be essential for an inferno party. also gets a skill that puts all your resistances at the level of the highest. high resistances were required for hell so thats what i base that upon.

what the hell?
i could swear I read some official thing in the past month that said the game was pushed back to 2013 already

now its coming out next month? i was expecting an open beta quite a while before release too...

and for the record I could care less about pvp. coop play is what diablo was all about. although it was sometimes fun to use all that gear you got to grief to pk people, there used to be people who would duel for hours outside of the act1 town...it was so imbalanced it was not fun