You mean a bigger shitshow than it already is?

Is such a thing even possible?

Actually, recounting the country under bipartisan oversight in each counting station would be the right thing to do. What's there to be afraid of? It's just a bunch of paper. Not rocket science.

the problem is a whole bunch of trump ballots were trashed/destroyed, even if they were supposed to keep the original ballots for 2 years even after they were deemed spoiled somehow (who knows who deemed them spoiled or why). we really need to get away from this whole paper ballot states make their own rules system and do a fingerprint/blockchain online national system.

Exactly, There is no way to put the genie back in the bottle except for a complete redo with Mexican style voting laws...
But all we need to do is show the massive fraud the Dims did
not a few bad republicans stuffing ballots, but this
Hammer & Scorecard
all those votes changed via computer
that's all we need to show, then
We say fuck you and Trump is staying.
We will not concede; push it
there will be a war not so civil
it's so easy all u have to do is expose all the millions of fraudulent ballots that were cast
wow got over 2 mil subscribers in 1 day

fuk fb and twatter

What caused the bump in subscribers?

I've been on Parler awhile, but I only give time to my news bubbles and here at my safe space TW

All I need

The National Pulse - Real News Investigations CITIZEN FREE PRESS Creeps On A Mission™ by Sidney Powell | Official Website Home - The Bongino Report Rudy Giulianis Common Sense War Room: Pandemic Home - Revolver
There is absolutely no reason to watch MSM. There is absolutely no reason to watch FOX....but I repeat myself.
Infamous ‘Hoax’ Artist Behind Trumpworld’s New Voter Fraud Claim

hammer and scorecard boys, we got the dems running scared now

hahaha the MSM digs in

..Montgomery’s claims were trumpeted by reporter John Solomon, whose reporting on Ukraine would later be rebuked by officials and Fox News’s research department during the Trump impeachment hearings...

Rebuked hahaha
Guess they knew we were tired of debunked
gl luck with this shit, click while you can
hey if Biden won fair and square good for him..wouldn't you for a minute want to know the real deal? People are so Trump hating they would rather bypass election security.
They should give him a Star Wars A New Hope type of gold medal and say he is the "bestest ever." Then give him a free limo, and when he gets in it to take a ride, they drive him back to Mar-A-Largo.
They should give him a Star Wars A New Hope type of gold medal and say he is the "bestest ever." Then give him a free limo, and when he gets in it to take a ride, they drive him back to Mar-A-Largo.

We're reaching peak levels of political fan-fiction here, boys. Soon lefties will be hammering out walls of text detailing their deepest sexual fantasies with our president.
severed, did you read the election week 538 coverage? (it's still running) they reported the election at a county level including separating all mail-in and provisional ballot counts.

if you don't mind my asking where are you getting your numbers? mine have been coming from 538. we can't expose fraud without getting the data first.
nate silver's one of the best dude, if you have a specific criticism shoot

who would you rather trust about polling
1 a jew run website that is 365/24/7 about polls run by a statistician who cares more about sports betting than politics
2 a jew run tv newstainment channel that changes their entire subject on a daily basis to keep ads selling
How about this
Does this convince you?

ok, see you in court

anda not leaving the White House
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