[LOL]Gender Bender


Veteran XV
The other day I was in Tanaris and some rogue following me asked if I wanted to head to ST. I agree but I was already in UnGoro by the time I accepted (and some discussion) and I tell them I'll head to Silithus and fly from there. Long story short rest of the group is annoyed I am taking so long while pretending to be polite, and eventually leader dumps me for another warrior that just happened to come on at that time. He's apologizing profusely and tries to send me money for armor repairs (died three times in Crater getting to Silithus) which I of course returned. I think it was a jackass move to do that, especially when no one in the group was even remotely near Swamp of Sorrows at the time (one guy was in SW). I made it a point that it was a jackass move and trying to "bribe" me with money doesn't make it okay. I should also mention at this time my warrior is a NE female.

Fast forward a few days and I'm in IF conducting my usual AH/Blacksmith business when someone asks for PSTs for AB 50 - 59. I /tell him without even realizing he was the same guy who dumped me for his warrior friend. Even more so I didn't even CARE anymore. And he's still persisting in trying to make up for his jackass move. He's using a lot of vocabulary I was fairly certain he was not 100% clear on the meanings and sounded very VERY emo. It's at this point I start to realize he's assuming that since I am a NE female I must, in fact, be a girl.

He continus this NONSENSE about relationships and how I'm all "closed up" and finally he pulls a few curiosity ploys ("I could say something right now, but I won't.") before he finally stops talking. He was probably trying to be my "knight in shining armor" or some ridiculous bullshit.

I'm glad I grew out of that little angsty phase many a year ago.
yeah man you totally should have told him that 50g would be the only way to repay such a heinous error
He was same level as me, I doubt he had a lot of coin on him. Besides by the time I realized his rather grave error in character judgement it was already too late to go back and get some stuff.
am i reading this wrong, why were you going to silithus if you were going to ST

also didn't you say you were one of the best tanks on your realm, yet you aren't even 60 yet?
I always ask ppl what their gender is, made the mistake calling a guy a she one too many times, or guys calling me man, or dude. One guy I know was going around calling all female characters sweetie in whisper, it was so funny when those female characters came back with I am a guy man. lol
Ztir said:
am i reading this wrong, why were you going to silithus if you were going to ST

also didn't you say you were one of the best tanks on your realm, yet you aren't even 60 yet?

You've no idea how many idiot players there are. Two times I had to explain to lvl 40+ hunters that blacksmithing doesn't yield good armor for them, even if it is mail armor. Another hunter said he was doing melee only because "his gun sucked" and even then I know more than a few warriors who not only not even bother carrying a shield but didn't know what the "AoE shout" was.

I know how to grab and hold aggro, even despite mage nuking and rogue DPSing. I lose DPS from being in Defense Stance and constantly hitting Sunder, Shield Bash, Revenge and the occasional Heroric Strike when there's leftover rage but the mob stays on me. And when it comes to solo bosses/elites them hitting me = healer having a much easier time healing just me than scrambling around trying to save everyone else because the present warrior doesn't know about aggro management.
Feannag said:
You've no idea how many idiot players there are. Two times I had to explain to lvl 40+ hunters that blacksmithing doesn't yield good armor for them, even if it is mail armor. Another hunter said he was doing melee only because "his gun sucked" and even then I know more than a few warriors who not only not even bother carrying a shield but didn't know what the "AoE shout" was.

I know how to grab and hold aggro, even despite mage nuking and rogue DPSing. I lose DPS from being in Defense Stance and constantly hitting Sunder, Shield Bash, Revenge and the occasional Heroric Strike when there's leftover rage but the mob stays on me. And when it comes to solo bosses/elites them hitting me = healer having a much easier time healing just me than scrambling around trying to save everyone else because the present warrior doesn't know about aggro management.

you didn't adress my question at all

why were you heading to silithus when you were trying to get to ST
Ztir said:
you didn't adress my question at all

why were you heading to silithus when you were trying to get to ST

1.Myself and the group leader were both int he smack center of Tanaris.

2. I was heading into UnGoro Crater to quest.

3. My hearthstone had 40 minutes left to cooldown.

4. It would have been the same distance to travel to either Gadgetzan or Sith. FP from where I was.

4. I was already near Marshal's Point by the time he convinced me to join group.

5. On joining, one person was in IF. leader was in the Barrens (non-flight) and the other two were both in Arathi Highlands and EPL.

6. They are annoyed at me because it will take me so long to get to SoS.

That sum it up jackass?
Lukeris said:
Isn't there a SW -> Nethergarde FP?

It seems like there should be.

There is, but the interesting thing is that only one person in the group was withing reach of SoS and he was in IF. The rest were in Kalimdor or up in the plaguelands and Arathi.
Phrozen said:
Where in Tanaris were you that the fp at gadget was farther away then an fp at least 1.5 zones away?

I think the point of it was that 4 people in the group were more than 1.5 FPs away from ST at the time in addition to me. So they really shouldn't have room to complain about me not hurrying up when they themselves aren't fuckin' ready to go themselves.