Hey Progressives... how are you pansies feeling? Please let us know.

Just woke up. It's 8 a.m. here and I was stupid enough to watch that video. Damn, I need some strong coffee to make this day right. :nuts:
The guy to the back right looks like he wants to blow his fukin brains out.

It really is insane how worked up people can get over this shit

yes... it is insane how worked up people get over this shit...

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the cutoff for millennials is 1995 so the youngest ones are currently 22

i guess past 40 it's pretty hard to figure out what's going on in the world so we should be proud you guys can post on the internet at all
Yeah - like millennials invented the internet and computers or something

If it doesn't have a dumbed down touch/swipe interface with lots of bright colours you guys are lost

get off my lawn
if you listen to these people it is always the same

it will start with an anecdote about the world

some saying or thought

then immediately go back to them and how they feel about that

how that feeling is some kind of basis for a larger universal truth that we must all share (but obviously don't and never will) and that the planet, galaxy, universe really serves no other purpose or point beyond that

this is usually when they close their eyes and really hyper focus on what their heart is telling them as if that held any actual bearing on the original statement or that anyone else in the room has cared enough to make it that far with them

in short............

mental illness

clinically proven and tested time and time again

mayor val johnson is clearly infected

my diagnosis is Toxoplasmosis and the plight of being a cat lady


go to bed under inclusivity tent with detrimental white guilt rise with hep b

San Diego opens giant tent to contain hepatitis outbreak - ABC News

as if I didnt hate cats enough already
A "Bias Incident Response Team"


I bet that pulls some pussy when mentioned in a bar
Yeah babe, I'm second in command of the Bias Incident Response Team.
I'm feeling pretty shitty about my taxes going up under this retarded tax plan. That's how I'm feeling.
I'm feeling pretty shitty about my taxes going up under this retarded tax plan. That's how I'm feeling.


a liberal loon pretending to be upset about higher taxes

pretend they are going to fund more illegals who will create more arson fires in SO CAL

it is your only hope for destroying the HEP outbreak i hear

pretend it is part of the doubling of the gas tax or vehicle registration prices down there already this year