Back to this silly game.


Veteran XX
I've basically been away from EVE since last September when I managed to get one of my good friend's motherships blown up for him (I was in the seat)... then lost my RL job... then got ready to move across the country.

Fast forward a few months, and I've decided it's time to get back in the saddle. New job, new location, getting moving on a new house... some extra hours in the day.

You boneheads still playing this game? Unless there is anything very interesting going on, I think I'm taking up an offer from an old RZR friend to start up a small corp. in some Everyshore / Fountain lowsec space and recruit from the influx of new USA players that seem to be popping up. Starting simple and small, nothing crazy. Probably a PL pet.

Have to learn some new game mechanics since I left. Wormholes, ECM nerfage, and the coming of age of the Stealth Bomber. \o/. Just wondering what FREEE peeps are up to.
Geminate is interesting, if we weren't so busy shooting down IRON Freighters, IRC Freighters and EDEN Carriers I think we'd spend more time there.
also did you know that in diablo 2 lord of destruction expansion set, the hel rune gave you a -15% requirements bonus when socketed into a weapon and -20% into armor?

the more you knew
..and I was just pondering if there was anything worth coming back to. Abandoned the game for school, just graduated a couple days ago though. I'm not sure I want to let this game ruin my life though... :bandit:

Velov here btw.. :wave:
One of the greatest multiplayer games ever. It has hit 300k players since its rerelease in store shelves and broke its own record of concurrent users (over 50k)

Big names are dying/dead (BoB) and the same names are failing (Goons).