Selling a character..?


Veteran XX
Anyone done this successfully with EVE? I might be looking to get rid of both my main and alt, along with their assets and ISK.. They're just sitting collecting dust right now, and I'm pretty much done with MMOs, gaming in general to an extent.. I noticed a lot of the shady "sell yor shit, it safe, we promise" sites out there(

Can anyone point me in the right direction, or would anyone be interested by chance? I'd try locally, but there are no EVE people around here.. mostly WoW, as might be expected.

Thanks guys. :cheers:
Selling for ISK is pointless if he's done with the game for good. Looks like he's referring to selling the entire account.

Good luck with it; I hope you find a buyer. Just don't give any guarantees to the person to whom you sell. Eve more than any other game I've played has more people that cry, "ono it's against the EULA!!!!" They'll sell out your buyer in a minute in a self-righteous whine-fest. :rolleyes: