Official bionic spine thread.....

good point, I wonder if it was the same arm that Glare twisted up behind him before he forced him to the ground in front of his wife and kids.

Mitch should probably overcome his embarrassment and suicide now, let his insurance company know, they will be sure to sue Glare for a share of the hospital costs.

Good point.
Didn't say they get me high, I said they make me feel good. Maybe you think it is the same thing idk.
My bad, you must not be from the US then. When you say something (a pill) makes you feel good here, it really just means high. No one says that about blood pressure medication.
Did they shim up your willy?

Not entirely sure what that means. If you're asking if they put a catheter into my bladder during surgery so I didn't piss myself and make a mess, then yes. Doc asked me if they wanted me to take it out before I came round from the anaesthetic, which of course I said yes. For whatever reason they didn't and I had to drag a bag of piss around for the next 36 hours. I wasn't going far though.

So, when they eventually had to pull the tube out, you know that thing where you have a band-aid on and you're a bit hairy, and it hurts less if you pull it off really fast. Yeah, that.
Mitch, any cute nurses handle your penis in there or was it some guy named Fred?

This part of the world almost all nurses are Filipinas. So yeah some pretty cute ones. Few Indian girls. When they're pulling a rubber tube out of the end of your dick they're all special.
the flips will definitely fuck you for an extremely small amount of money at least
before spinfusor salad died, he used to get 80mg oxy's from the hospital + fentanyl b4 it was popular w junkies

he'd break one in half, crush it up and give it to me then take 2 + the other half of mine

i'd be on the floor drooling and scratching myself and he'd like, do chores and shit bc it was the only time he could

the fentanyl he'd just sleep

one of the last times I saw him, he rocked up to my apartment and asked to sleep on the couch. I was like ya ok and he threw a fent patch on each one of his shoulderblades then poked a hole in another w a needle and sucked out the gel then laid down to sleep

that was like Saturday afternoon

he woke up Monday afternoon, thanked me, and left

always liked him.

I've taken oxy and other pain meds after surgery. Never understood the attraction, never felt high, just blah.
well tbf he had a bit of a different situation than u

but ya i can def see the attraction

except for the itching