[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

what time is the damning evidence coming out all rudy and guo said was coming was more dicks

a new dong every hour
Lmao thats not even close to what the definition of fascism is but nice reeeeeeeee

When in doubt... change the definition of words, make up entirely new words, and repeat a word until its comes to mean that thing you wanted it to mean all along. Don't take no for an answer! Repeat no until it means yes! Then condemn everyone who argues with you about it as a racist. Because that's the new definition of racism that we just made up!

Classic leftest tactic.

Definition of fascism

1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality

Facebook and twitter decides that you can not report on the Hunter Biden Laptop or say anything bad about Joe Biden... but if you want to threaten President Trump with death, have at it. Brought to you by the former DNC lieutenants and captains that worked for Joe Biden and the Democrat National Convention who just banned you from social media for wrong-think because they run Facebook and Twitter now.

Fascism is when you align all levels of society to the common agenda and will of the state. When a society is no longer composed of independent actors that act in unison for a common interest, but instead only appear to do so, because they are ultimately the same actor. You get fascism.

The word Fascism originates from the Italian word, fasces.

Definition of fasces

: a bundle of rods and among them an ax with projecting blade borne before ancient Roman magistrates as a badge of authority

Fasces | Definition of Fasces by Merriam-Webster


The Axe represents the central authority, and the rods surrounding it are all the institutions brought inline and bound to support it by force.

A rather appropriate symbol for the state of social media, #cancelCulture and Social Justice movements. Align your thinking, your rod, with ours or we'll cut off your head with the authority of the axe we wield.

Vote Joe Biden.
Do not adjust your television sets. We control the horizontal and the vertical.
Vote Biden. Less we deem you deplorable and there is no room in our America for deplorables.

C'mon man.

The Nazi Party took control over every institution of German society. Industry, Media, Art, Education, Legislation, Justice, Healthcare, Defense and Public Service. They aligned every antenna to point in the direction of their ideology and used it to amplify their message; broadcasting it over as many people as they could reach. They raised an entire generation to see only one identity, that of the state. Of National Socialism.

But don't think that this only takes the form of jackboots and torch parades. The threat is more insidious than that, more subtle. The Nazi's didn't usurp control over German society, they were granted it by a democratic process and it wasn't until it was too late, that the people recognized the consequences of what they had done.
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what time is the damning evidence coming out all rudy and guo said was coming was more dicks

a new dong every hour

i tell you what, bro, stop obsessing over the big american dong for a bit and i'll let you know when some more damning evidence of hunter fucking his 14 year old niece and Joe Biden/Jill Biden knowing about it and not telling anyone comes out. Okay?

Amazingly, Socialism and Fascism have pretty similar definitions (and outcomes), yet the left continues to ascribe fascism to conservative politicians.