Data shows science degrees worth more than humanities [Duh]

I don't know, it would seem to me that if you are building Rockets... it doesn't matter how good the GPA of a Humanities major was.... you need a Scientist, preferably of the Rocket type.

a 4.0 Humanities GPA won't put you on the moon... come to think of it... maybe that's why NASA faked the moon landings...
I don't think someone with a political science major is really looking to be hired by nasa to build rockets
But it [political science major] will get you Government Funding [to build rockets]! See? NASA isn't as stoopid as we think they thought that we think of them thinking about how smart they are!
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Besides... if anyone has actually seen the show... we all know that Data's grasp of Science related things far exceeds his understanding of Humanity.
At the undergrad level I will readily admit that sciences and engineering are much harder than humanities. However, I will take issue with the fact that the study shows sciences/math people study longer and harder for a test because that doesn't take into account the fact that historians spend the same amount of time doing research and writing papers. At the graduate level I think pretty much any major is going to be difficult.
ptavv is apparently still trying to justify his poor grades to his parents.
I'd be pretty pissed if I paid for my kid's education and he didn't pull at least a 3.5.

I have a 3.4. Depends where you go.

The avg GPA at Cal for Molecular Cell Biology majors is a 3.0. We have a lowly med school acceptance rate of 60something%.

10% of those people who applied got in with a sub 3.0 GPA?

Go figure
its a gaming forum, most people here have science, math, business degrees, and are aware that literature and history degrees are worthless....