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1 - 09-23-2012, 11:28
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Game wouldn't have life or armor, but only shield (personal forcefield), which is more realistic, since even one bullet could kill a human being if he would have only "life". But i will use normal "life" in future reference to avoid confusion.

lot of gore, character lab (Settings) for changing characters, skins, voices, weapon skins and effects.

Various HD animated skies of weather and universe (planets, comets, stars, blackholes,...)

Everyone spawns only with ChainGun in all gametypes. Chasers can use beacon to boost themselves and chase.

Every players spawns with repair kit + 125 life in all gametypes.

If player has above 100 life it degenerates by 1 every second. that means if player has 125, in 25 seconds he will have 100. That way chasers will chase more easily and cappers will have to use advantage of +25 life or go to inv station for Rocket Launcher for more boosting, but life will degenerate in meantime.

When beacons land on ground they wait 5 second (animation) before activation (when line gets visible), so that players can use it for jumping without confusing teammates.

In gametypes like ctf there is no pickups like life, armor or powerups.

Player cannot have more than 200 life.

Using a repair kit will give player ~ 30 life (around), but reapir kit heals player only to 100 life, that means if player has 80 life and using a repair kit he will still get 100.

Boosting with rocket launcher will give player better boost than with beacon.

Teleporting in another player via portals will cause Telefrag and player will get award (like MA).


- UT2k4 2x jumping, dodging, dodgejumping, walldodging, walldodgejumping (but with low gravity - like UT3),

+ Quake strafe jumping, circle jumping

+ Tribes jetpacks and frictionless skiing.

But they would have to be changed a bit to fit nicely in the gameplay:

- UT2k4 movement would be without lunar gravity and less aerial combat (but you would still be able to perform aerial combat with jetpacks),

- Quake movement would require somekind of speed nerfing so it wouldn't build up speed constantly, but still able to make long jump, so it wouldn't be OP for gametypes like ctf. (Or maybe full movement if flags were indoors?).

- Tribes jetpacks woud have to be more like a boosters for more usage in DM-like gametypes and fast reactions. (Or probably not idk )

Holding down jump button would cause you to jump constantly and gaining speed if going down the hill (tribes like), while pressing jump button again would make you do 2x jump (UT2k4/3 like) without losing any previously built speed (You would perform double jump in the middle of skiing/bunnyhopping without losing or gaining any speed).

Bunny hopping on flat surfaces wouldn't build up speed continously, but you could increase it by dodging before you start jumping and jetting.

Dodging from an enemy or enemy vehicles (like wall dodging) would hurt them (or teammates and your vehicles if Team Damage is on) - that way impact hammer (UT) and gauntlet (Q3A) would become part of the movement.

There would be rocket (or disc jumping), plasma climbing and GL jumping for cost of health (splash damage).

Walking itself would already be silent so you wouldn't need to press special button for silent walking.

Movement would be divided into 3 stages 3/3 movement is normal (light), 2/3 is medium (medium armor), and 1/3 is heavy movement (heavy, armor).


All weapons would have only one way of shooting (No alt fire like in UT).
All weapons would have 100% inheritance, except laser rifle with 0%.

-DodgeKick: Walldodge-like dodge on player will hurt him. This »weapon« replaces UT Impact Hammer and Q3A Gauntlet).

-Blaster/Dispersion Pistol: It uses jetpack's energy for operation, so you can never ran out of ammo because jetpack's energy recharges constantly (Or maybe it would use ammo instead ***8211; better for defense roles, since it would also drain enemies jetpack energy???)
...Nice addon for this weapon would be to drain enemy's jetpacks energy (maybe same amount of damage and jetpack drain), if enemy has shield pack, then this gun would take 2x amount of enemies energy (damage + energy drain = 2x). Alternate skin could be dispersion pistol and energy rifle from U2.

-ChainGun: (unlimited or big ammo capacity?) would be basic respawn weapon in all gametypes (like Q3A and tribes naked spawn), it would deal low damage, have high RoF, fast bullet speed (not hitscan), it would have no spread and it would overheat. The faster you would travel the faster bullets would be and deal more damage. Gun would have only one barrel, that's why it wouldn't have spread, but it would still have high RoF like multi barrelled CGs in other games. CG would overheat, you would be able to cool it down by going faster (more speed more cooling), going trough water (water is cooler than hot CG), getting altitude (air is cooler there) or by time. This way it would be essential chasing weapon, while still good basic weapon in other non-chasing gametypes.

-Rocket Launcher: (+ Spinfusor + UT1999 Ripper skin - alt fire)

-Q3A like Plasma gun: (+ Tribes like plasma skin + UT Pulse/Link gun skin + BFG 10k skin)

-Grenade Launcher: (+ new weapon model, which has bouncy projectile shaped like ALT Fire from Flak Cannon)

-Q3A Railgun: would have integrated battery for shots (you would use ammo like in Q3A), but after running out of ammo you would be able to fire for cost of the pack's energy (like T1) and every class would be able to use it.
(+ UT3 sniper rifle skin + ShockRifle primary fire skin + UT2k4 electricity gun skin)

-Mortar: In class bades gametypes only heavies would be able to wield it, while in non tribes like gametypes mortar will be used as super weapon, spawned in hidden areas of map over time, with ammo count around ~5)

-Quadgun/blaster: projectiles bounce of walls once, but their number is decreased by half (or not?). It would be similar to the blaster from TV, but without energy cost.

-Targeting laser: (draining jetpack's energy or has infinite energy?) is used for marking spots for heavies with mortar/grenade launcher, marking incoming cappers, controlling turrets and healing (but not as much as repair pack) or damaging vehicles and nodes in warfare, it also drains enemies or heals team's forcefields and shields protecting the turrets (ELF Gun effect from Tribes). Player would only be able to control big turrets, not small deployables. Healing ability would work only on short (but still farther than repair pack) range, but it would heal less than repair pack. When player-turret bond is estabilished, player will be able to heal it (if he's close enough) by pointing TL's beam at it (only pointing, not clicking, otherwise the turret will shoot near itself).

Colors of beam:
- Blue (Marking spots/players)
- Green (healing fiendly vehicles, nodes, assets, turrets, ...)
- Red (damaging enemy vehicles, nodes, assets, turrets, ...)
- Purple (Controlling friendly turret)

-Beacon: Instead of mines, granades and beacons, you would only have beacons with 100% inheritance, team colored (lines too), lines would be seeable by anyone with any weapon, but special dot which indicates the position would be seeable by anyone with arc type weapon (gl, mortar,..). They would be destroyable by anyone with any weapon, destroying beacon would make mine like explosion (mine discing - in this case with any weapon), throwing beacon directly or near enemy or enemy's vehicle will cause it to explode (grenade function). Approaching enemy beacon would cause it to explode (mine function), while approached by teammate not (beacon stop) , but teammates would be still able to destroy it (boosting).

Gametypes like Assault, C&H, CTF (with different maps ***8211; vctf, lt , etc.***61664; more skill) , Siege, D&D, F&R, Warfare, Greed (heavies killing but slow, lights fast and picking up skulls - team work)... would allow class and equipment changing + they wouldn't have any pickups for health/armor or powerups, but only repair kit (it would be automatic);
while gametypes like Duel, DM, TDM, VTDM (Vehicles Team Deatmatch - it would be pretty fun), Arena, Domination, LMS, King of the Hill (mutant), DarkMatch would be only for lights, spawn weapon would be only Cg (depends on gametype), you would have to pickup other weapons, there would be no packs (shield, ammo, energy etc) but only jetpacks, you would be able to pick up armor and health (Or repair kit + health pickups only?) and powerups (Quake / UT style).
- A gametype called Race, where maps would have tracks designed for high speed travelling over various landscapes.
- A gametype Telefrag - Players spawn with only one weapon (Translocator or similar) with basic health. Map could also contain portals for telefraging.

- Gametype Bombing run (Flag Run ?) could be modified and have a flag instead of a ball, which you have to throw at enemy force field (instead of goal). This way game wouldn't need additional weapon for just one gametype.


Vehicles would be similar to those in UT3 (various types, respawning over time around base, no credits needed, easy controls, bigger maps more vehicles), but without hoverboard (not needed). Vehicles would be hijackable and unable to respawn if not destroyed. Vehicles would only be hijackable if they were previously abandoned by opposite team (you couldn't get in the respawned enemy vehicle).

2 types of turrets:

Manual controled by a player (UT3), which are better and more powerful than auto turrets:
***8226; Rocket Turret
***8226; Stinger Turret
***8226; Laser Turret
***8226; Shock Turret

Automatic self-controled (tribes), they are a bit weaker:
***8226; Fusion Turret
***8226; ELF turret
***8226; Mini-Fusion Turret
***8226; Missile Turret
***8226; Mortar Turret (operates automatically, has very slow RoF and is used on bigger maps with big bases)

Both types of turrets would require generator's energy to be functional. Manual turrets would be stationary and placed around the base. Some of the automatic turrets would also be stationary, while few smaller auto turrets could be purchased as a pack at inv station.

Both type of turrets would be possible to control via targeting laser. If a player points his TL at a friendly turret and holds the beam for a 5 seconds, TL's beam colors differently and he will be able to lead the turret with TL's beam. After player is controlling the turret TL's beam willl be displayed automatically (he won't need to hold the button) and will just have to aim and click or hold mouse button to shoot. To cancel the player-turret bond the player will just have to switch weapon or click couple of times (3x?) quickly (in case he doesn't have any other weapon to switch to). If turret is shooting arc type projectiles, then player (and his team) gets arc visual line (similar to those on beacon, but in arc) of turret's aim in a direction where player is aiming with his TL. If turret has straight line shooting projectiles, then player will see same line as explained above, except it will be straigt instead of arc. If player is aiming too far of turret's aiming range (arc) turret will simply aim as far as it can in the direction which player is pointing, in that case visual line will be displayed where turret can aim.

If player is aiming behind the obstacle of turrets vision the line displayed to the obstacle will be normal (turret is able to hit the obstacle), while line behind the obstacle will be red (turret doesn't see and can't aim there). Same thing with arc type turrets ***8211; if player is aiming behind the obstacle or too far of turrets range, line will color red to warn the player.

Game would also have generator for turrets, ammo stations, inventory stations and flag protection-b2f blocking forcefield. Generator would also be important in maps which require it's energy to pull the flag in base to protect it, otherwise flag rises on top of the base and becomes easier to grab.

There are two types of packs available, permanent and deployable. Some require energy from the armor***8217;s power cell to function.

Permanent packs are carried by players to augment their armor. Each pack has special abilities
that can aid mobility, defenses, or ammo storage:

***8226; Ammo Pack increases the maximum ammo the armor can hold. This pack does not require any energy from the power cell to operate. If this pack is dropped, all extra ammo beyond what the armor will carry is left in the dropped pack.

***8226; Energy Pack increases the recharge rate of the armor power cell. This miniature fusion pack is especially useful when combined with an energy based weapon, like the laser rifle. It is also well suited to aid the lighter armor types in speedy escapes.

***8226; Sheild Pack requires energy from the armor***8217;s power cell. The shield pack creates an auxiliary energy shield around the user as long as the power cell has energy. While the pack is operating the shield will

***8226; Jammer Pack requires energy from the armor***8217;s power cell. The jammer pack will make the user and any other players within 20 meters undetectable to enemy pulse sensors. It will deactivate automatically once the power cell runs out. Player will appear static.

***8226; Repair Pack comes with what is colloquially referred to as the ***8220;repair gun.***8221; Using exotic nanotechnology, it can repair armor, vehicles, and base emplacements such as turrets and generators. The repair gun will now be available in the player***8217;s hand. Aim the repair gun at a damaged teammate or equipment and ***8220;fire***8221; it. The gun has a very short range; you must be within three meters of the target to repair it. If there are no targets within range, it will repair any damage you have taken. It will deactivate automatically once the power cell runs out of energy.

Deployable packs. You must be looking directly at the deploy point and be in range,
or else you will get a ***8220;cannot deploy, out of range***8221; prompt. If you try and place a pack at your feet or too close to a wall or other object, you will get an ***8220;item in way, cannot deploy***8221; prompt.

***8226; Remote Pulse Sensor (like Pulse Sensor, but the range is way smaller) is used to detect and display enemy players and vehicles IFFs in it's area of detection. It's good to set it inside base and on capper's. It doesn't need generator's energy to operate.

***8226; Remote Jammer pack creates a short-ranged jamming ***8220;umbrella***8221; making any tribesman within it***8217;s field effectively invisible to pulse sensors

***8226; Remote Inventory and Ammo Stations provide ammunition and supplies away from a player***8217;s base. They can only be carried by a tribesman in medium or heavy armor and have a limited energy supply.

***8226; Remote Turret is equipped with a built-in motion sensor, it***8217;s small size makes it ideal for placement indoors, in caves, and in other hard to reach places, or large numbers may be used to create an effective defensive perimeter. There are, however, limitations on the number that can be placed in one area. Because of the weight of the turret, only the medium and heavy armors can bear the weight; light-armored individuals cannot purchase the turret pack from the inventory stations. There are many types of remote turrets such as rocket turret, plasma turret, anti-vehicle turret,..

***8226; Remote Motion Sensor is small and unobtrusive, often missed by an enemy rushing into battle-often a fatal mistake. The motion sensor will detect enemy movement along. Non-moving items will NOT be detected by the motion sensor. Unlike its pulse sensor brethren, it cannot be jammed.


-5 points life pickups (will increase your life even beyond 100 limit, up to 200)
-25 points life pickups (will increase your life to limit of 100 points)
-50 points life pickups (will increase your life to limit of 100 points)
-100 points life pickups (will increase your life even beyond 100 limit, up to 200)

UT2k4 pills:
-Game contains UT2k4 like adrenaline pills (but in this game they are more like nanobot pills, not adrenaline) which grants you powerup if you collect 100 of them.
You can choose between powerups (they are exactly the same as one found on maps) Udamage, Invisibility, Regeneration and Berserk. You can activate powerup with 4x (or less?) tapping directional keys. If player used pills for powerup, he won't drop it after his death. Player won't loose his pills after death.

-Powerups (found on map) are: Udamage, Invisibility, Regeneration, Berserk. Player will drop these powerups after death.
Walldodging from an enemy makes you automatically get his powerup (UT Impact Hammer ALT) (+ damaging him) and last weapon (if killed). Powerups can stack.

This game would have simple controls (for example):
- MB1 (Fire), MB2 (Jetpack), WASD (frontleftbackright), Spacebar (jumping), Shift (Scoreboard), Q (Pack), E (Beacon), ThumbMouse1 (Flag passing), Y (Team chat), T (global chat), ThumbMouse2 (Suicide). Arena gametypes would need only half of those buttons.

Game would have similar to T1 funny, violent and mature VGS.

Similar to Unreal 1998 <3


-»game name« (the true story of how it was)

STORYLINE: will update

AWARDS: will update


- Forcefield surrounding the player colors differently with packs:
***8226; no pack ***8211;white/transparent
***8226; weapon pack ***8211; yellow
***8226; sheild pack ***8211; pink
***8226; energy pack ***8211; blue
***8226; jammer pack ***8211; static grey
***8226; other packs ***8211; other color
- Player is able dodge (like walldodge) from weapon's projectile if timed correctly.
- Player is able to hit other weapon's/vehicle's projectiles, thus deniing them.

- All weapons would do more damage if player is going faster, because of the inheritance bullets would be faster and deal more damage (and maybe less if shooting backwards?).

- Player's projectiles would lock-on enemy vehicle if crosshair stays on it for a few seconds. If permanent pack in vehicle test idea would be ok, then every projectile would instantly lock-on vehicle (if player aims on it when shooting). OR every vehicle would have dot displayed around it (like beacon) for every player (each player would have different dot position depending on weapon and his position) with any weapon for help with aiming.

- Test weapons:

ShockLance Rifle (ASMD alt)
BioRifle (+ Flak Cannon Alt Skin) from UT
Lightning gun from Q3A
RazorJack from Unreal
NailGun from Q3 Team Arena
Proximity Launcher from Q3 Team Arena
ChainGun from Q3 Team Arena

- Players don't have glowing skin effect to represent activity of force shield (life), instead at each enemy hit player's skin will create some hit animation ( forcefield being hit) to represent succeseful hit. Effect will be displayed in direction according to hit.This effect could be altered via settings menu if player has more effects available to choose.

- Player would be able to control only automatic turrets with his TL beam, but beam activation would be instant instead of 5 secs waiting.
- Ammo pack would have to be renamed to »Weapon Pack« and modified carefully, because it must be used both in gametypes like DM, where you can pick all weapons (and pick up much ammo) and gametypes like CTF where weapon number is restricted by class. In gametypes like DM there would be always be only one pack (player's would spawn with it and wouldn't be able to change it). The reason i chose »Weapon pack« is that only with that pack it is possible to somehow adjust weapon and ammo number in all gametypes without changing the pack to suit more gametypes. Test idea is that it should have weight capacity instead of ammo increase, that way pack would have for example 50 units weight capacity and every weapon, ammo and beacon would have some weight. That would be good because beacons wouldn't be used in DM gametypes and player could pick all weapons and ammo in the map, but the problem is in CTF in that case light would be able to carry mortar an much ammo. Unless if in DM gametypes map wouldn't contain all weapon but only some (5/10 for example), that way the pack's weight capacity could be decreased and players could pick all weapons in the map and much ammo (and there would be no beacons), while in CTF players would have to choose between number of beacons, number weapons (since in ctf you can get all weapons you want at inv station) and ammo for them.

- If player enters in vehicle or turret his permanent pack will still be usable. For example:
***8226; Player would be able to activate shield pack, which would allow him to survive explosion (while he's inside). Because of the explosion all pack's energy would be depleted.
***8226; Activating the jammer pack would also jam the vehicle/turret, but noone else around.
***8226; Energy pack would passively boost vehicle's/turret's energy supply, which would allow them to generate projectiles at faster rate, thus providing RoF boost.
***8226; Player would be able to heal turret/vehicle (but not himself) with repair pack at great cost of energy.
***8226; With ammo pack player would be able to store projectiles and releasing them all at once (the number of stored projectiles depends on projectile's size/damage)

- Instead of having T1-like PDA, this game would have VOIP for communication (no need for PDA team functions), players would be able to control turrets with targeting laser, sensor would serve for displaying IFF at farther range and increasing automatic turret's range.

- Invulnerability replaced by regeneration, because the only way to kill enemy with Invulnerability is to take his powerup, which is very hard. That's why regeneration would be better.
Regeneration would continuosly boost health (up to 200 points) and jetpack's energy, after life reaches 200 points player would get new repair kit (if old was used).

- Every player would spawn with 150 (instead of 125) life, which would degenerate by 2 (instead of 1) each second down to 100 points (better for chasing). Health or powerup boost beyond 100, will however not degenerate.

I will keep updating this thread.
~dickschnitzel~ is offline
Last edited by ~dickschnitzel~; 09-21-2013 at 08:59..
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2 - 09-23-2012, 12:38
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ya all that and time travel, dinosaurs, old people you can beat up, hot *****es, drugs, a camaro, customizable hair styles, and kid rock on the soundtrack.
Laughing-Stork is offline
3 - 09-23-2012, 13:01
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Originally Posted by Laughing-Stork View Post
ya all that and time travel, dinosaurs, old people you can beat up, hot *****es, drugs, a camaro, customizable hair styles, and kid rock on the soundtrack.
"Time travel" like in legions, dinosaurs and old people and hot *****es (DN style?) and drugs (UT2k4 pills? LOL) in SP, a camaro for vehicle, customizable hair in setting menu under character tab, support for manually setting list of sountracks?

~dickschnitzel~ is offline
4 - 09-23-2012, 13:23
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Laughing-Stork is offline
5 - 09-23-2012, 13:34
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running over endangered animals crossing the road in front of crusin' world!

running over freedom enemies in your Goldeneye 64 tank and hearing the crunch of the bones
bugs_ is offline
6 - 09-23-2012, 14:50
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Cmon ppl any questions/thoughts/sugestions?
~dickschnitzel~ is offline
7 - 09-23-2012, 17:38
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I personally would much rather keep playing Starsiege: Tribes.
Exodus is offline
8 - 09-23-2012, 19:12
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damaster save euros and build new tribe game to bankrupt hi rez
libra is offline
9 - 09-24-2012, 02:01
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Yea, but i have no programing skills :/ It would take me couple of years to learn making games and i think the fastest way would be with Unity.
~dickschnitzel~ is offline
10 - 09-24-2012, 04:13
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Ppl do you think Q3A style railgun or UT3 sniper rifle would be good? I wouldn't add UT2k4 lightning gun, because its' too weird without zooming. The reason i added UT3 sniper rifle to the list because it's easier to shoot without zoom and long range kills are easier than with railgun (at least iirc).
~dickschnitzel~ is offline
Last edited by ~dickschnitzel~; 09-24-2012 at 08:23..
11 - 09-24-2012, 08:23
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add smg 2
libra is offline
12 - 09-24-2012, 08:58
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Originally Posted by 305s View Post
add smg 2
You mean smg like in TA? Eeeww
~dickschnitzel~ is offline
13 - 10-03-2012, 12:29
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~dickschnitzel~ is offline
14 - 10-03-2012, 13:10
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For a second, I've thought this was a dweasol thread. gg

AnubiS is offline
Last edited by AnubiS; 10-03-2012 at 13:27..
15 - 10-04-2012, 10:20
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Read it, it's gg.
~dickschnitzel~ is offline
16 - 10-29-2012, 07:41
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~dickschnitzel~ is offline
Last edited by ~dickschnitzel~; 10-29-2012 at 07:56..
17 - 11-26-2012, 09:42
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~dickschnitzel~ is offline
18 - 12-27-2012, 12:03
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~dickschnitzel~ is offline
19 - 12-27-2012, 12:16
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Originally Posted by AnubiS View Post
Exodus is offline
20 - 12-27-2012, 21:58
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i think everyone who come here must think we are very diverse culture

people of many vast ways of life come together to speak english an play tribe

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