Learning Guitar

I've been wanting to learn to play guitar for a while, but don't really know where to start. Some say to start with an acoustic to get the proper technique down, some say if you want to play electric, then learn on electric.

I believe there are a few players in here. Was it hard? What do you suggest for a starter guitar. I don't want to buy something that is way overkill for a beginner, but i also don't want to buy something thats junk. Should i maybe hit the local pawn shops and see what they have to offer before laying out any real money on something?

For this, I'd say that the difficulty is relative to the person. It was moderately easy for me to pickup guitar because I already had a heavy background in piano and theory. I was also surrounded by other musicians growing up and had plentiful access to instruments. It might be more difficult for someone else not already saturated in music. Best advice I can give on this is borrow one from someone and play with it for a few weeks or months, if you make it that far. The reason is because 99% of people who try guitar never get passed breaking-in their fingertips and end up never picking it up again. If you find that it's not for you, then there's no money wasted. If you fall in love with it, then maybe start with a $300 acoustic from Guitar Center. Sit down with a few at the store and play around until you find something you're comfortable with in a sitting position. Others may not agree but in my opinion, learning on an acoustic will give you a better foundation and learning path to electric and all that. Personally, I learned on a classical guitar, then went on to a traditional acoustic and then onto the electric. That was 30 years ago. I don't play anymore but I still think about picking it back up because I enjoyed it. I'm reluctant to do anything because I know that I probably wouldn't dedicate enough time for it to amount to anything other than more money wasted. Getting back to you, don't be embarrassed about not knowing the basics and don't let anyone jerk you around about it. Every person who ever played an instrument had to cross that bridge at some point. Nowadays, there are an enormous amount of resources available for beginners. Either way, I hope you have some fun figuring things out.