[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


If there's one certainty in America, it's that owning the land is enough to keep it.

I keep trying to post the video of the English band Frankie Goes To Hollywood "Two Tribes" and I'm not intelligent enough to do it. If you can help me, I'll take it.

Two Tribes. Frankie Goes To Hollywood
If there's one certainty in America, it's that owning the land is enough to keep it.

I was hoping you would make an argument for the natural gas, mineral rights ( gaming are another thing but how about the parts that were ceded to the tribes, and now being stolen. Is this really a controversy? Dude, they are just wading on to the res and TAKING. When we sue they just throw the media at as "omg those indian givers just trying to sue us again."

No. We were ceded those lands and everything in them as a rite of a war we never declared. The reservation was just a scrap that you didn't think was worth anything so you decided we could fight it out with the Eastern Shoshone.

Fast forward to the 90s, and it's valuable to you again, not for the people living there, but for the natural gas and minerals. You didn't even ask, you just barged in and started drilling, assuming that we would either lose the lawsuit, or you could promulgate public opinion (omg those indian givers--it's not like you have to try hard to sway rednecks) Are you fucking kidding me? Fool, I know you're biased but you at least have facts first. At this point you know the basics of the WRIR, and you probably have seen my part in the politics of gaming, and the rest.

Is there any lawsuit the Northern Arapaho Nation has brought on the USA that you disagree with? Like any single one?

I understand the Eastern Shoshone problems, I understand they are understated, and I agree that the the N. Arapaho uniliteraly dissolving the joint business council (basically giving the E Shoshone gaming rights to machines only, and leaving the entire casino to N. Arapaho (my tribe) was complete bullshit. I understand the littleWind Casino (machines only) and the other one (forgot the name) are basically the only things the Eastern Shoshone got. You're talking to a N. Arapaho that thinks it's wrong, and my one vote will get counted July 1, 2018. Go me.

My question is a really easy one. Why not just cede borders and passports to people that 1. (live on live in sovereign land) Passports, let us cede pass to people

The second one is marginally easy. Make it the same as Canada, England, or whatever. If NGFM wants in, you let him the fuck in.
What does continue to happen, is people committing suicide, as though they were dolphins breaching themselves on a beach, I know ss, havax and the rest are going to say "because you're an inferior species" yeah ok got it.

So a few things:

1 - Appreciate living in your mind rent free; can't say I care for the place, it's in shambles

2 - You're illiterate at best, incompetent at worst

3 - You exploiting the suicide of a loved one is really, really low and disgusting, even for you. Wtf is wrong with you?

Quote and link any / all racial statements or you can stfu and make a public apology you gutless piece of shit. Just because you want someone (aka assumption) to be a racist doesnt mean they are. If anything, you've made alot of racist statements about Whites on here and projecting your racism onto others -because they hurt your fragile feelings.

Look here asslips, I get you are mourning and need to vent, but if you really believe that lashing out over imagined and perceived slights will fill that void in you, guess again. Unfuck your head from your ass.

Youre welcome. :)
So for all our bernie bros out there who are part of the FSA (Free Shit Army), it's easy to see why you hate this past election... a dirty pig capitalist won.

The Big Gvt [democratic!] socialists lost their chance for this:

Venezuela Goes Bust

Another lesson in the price of lending to a socialist regime.

History? Whats that?

We'll get it right this time [because we're more intelligent than they were].


Proof there are people who are just as stupid as you.


Apparently u didn't know there was an election recently, is ur memory fading away in ur old age?

ppl like urself prob shouldn't be driving on ur own, and especially not at night