Hello, I'm Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian will apparently be a playable character in the upcoming boxing video game Facebreaker from EA Sports. I included footage of Kim's character after the jump, and I've got to say I'm disappointed. For starters, they make it seem like Kim possesses any athletic skills whatsoever outside the realm of championship ice cream eating. Even worse, the game completely fails to use any type of physics engine in regards to her ass. Not only is it not ginormous, but you can't even use it to knock over buildings or even a tank. Maybe I'm wrong to expect a bit of realism in my gaming experiences. Or maybe I'm so right every woman in the world wants to have sex with me on a steamboat. Toot toot! Ladies...

Thanks to Phil who's in your base. Killing your dudes.


I would scavenge through her shit with my bare hands and collect every nut, corn kernel, and any other undigested food byproduct that I could find and lick them fucking clean.