[POLL] how will trump cave on the wall again

how will trump cave on the wall again ???

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says the most moral people i know



yep, the dems are known for their obstructionism.

it's okay, they'll never completely overturn it.
did you buy it on clearance?

cause it is only worth 1/5 of what they are asking for

in fact it is worth less than he got for it last year when he got nothing at all

and everyone laughed at him

and he signed the deal again but this time tried to brag about a big win
No I paid full price.

Anyone that gets 3% of what they campaigned on, and 15% less than they turned down a month ago is clearly aces in the negotiation game.

Hillary jokes aside.....it is a good laugh until you realize who has been and is Gov of our state

Gavin Newsom pulls National Guard from border in Trump rebuke | The Sacramento Bee

California gov to send National Guard to combat illegal marijuana grows


Gavin Gruesome can't even get behind made in USA/CALI weed

works for the cartels apparently

and now we know why Trump won

Great, good idea. Send them in with some brooms to sweep the forest floors, like they do in Finland. Kill two birds with one broom. Sweep out the bad pot growers and end forest fires to boot.
But on a serious note, what about the criminal convoy’s coming our way. Millions of drug dealers and rapists are about to invade. I just saw this on FOX. We may need several more military divisions for this invasion. We need to secure our borders, that goes for Canada too. Lets not forget we have those Canuck’s up there. And a lot of them are French! need I say more. MAGA. and god bless America.
macron/merkel would lose in a landslide in a cali election b/c they r 2 racist, 2 conservative, 2 white, and just plain 2 unhyphenated for the wise, burgeoning homegrown population of california 2 accept