hey vir: go fuck yourself

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It's 5150's server and they can do what they want on it, but that is pretty weak. Powertripping over the internet and ruining other people's fun for your own pleasure is pretty gay.
If he has admin, he could tell the server to ignore his TK count and "punish tally" altogether. I think he was just being a dick because it's Refried.
i'd like to point out that nearly every 5150 admin thread has been posted over vir

and 5150 has continued to prove to us that they don't fucking care nor will ever change
Vir banned me before for not forgiving. I went and talked to him in IRC. He said he doesnt want an admin getting banned for no forgive and that was the way it was.
how exactly does that warrant a kick?

the damage is already done from not forgiving. kicking the person doesn't change it, and furthermore it erases the opportunity to explain any reasons for it (such as the one you just suggested).

i'd like to emphasize again that only Vir does this.
First off, you weren't bombed, you were chained. You showed as enemy on radar since you were sitting in an enemy vehicle and everyone who plays the game knows what i mean. Furthermore, you were too stupid to get out of your vehicle while it burned, you died 10 seconds later after I passed over you. Lastly, you of all people should know what was going to happen if you were to punish me, you wanted this drama to happen but then again so did I :)

I like these threads.
I can't remember the name of the person who posted it in T2, it was the guy that pissed off dread and got his whole team banned. Surely he still has it.
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