[Official] Staff Q & A

every year this account of mine gets locked out of general discussion, happened again.... help me!

my question may as well be... why?
I have resolved the issue. I am not sure how you were set to be locked out.

dunno, it's happened every year since i joined with this account. after the 2nd time I made a new account. then 2 years ago i had it merged with this account when we were allowed name changes. last year it happened and then now this year. strange thing. thanks man.
When someone posts a link in a message, the system puts a "no follow" in front of it and the spiders won't pick it up. Can this be changed so the spiders will pick up links from TW?

Here's an example. In this thread I post the link to Digg. TW reformats it and makes it look pretty in the message using the thread title from Digg.

Now I view source on that part of the message and find this.
<!-- message --><!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<div id="post_message_11140057"><!-- google_ad_section_start -->No, it's because of this...<br />
<br />
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://digg.com/offbeat_news/Water_Main_Breaking_Overnight_Street_Parking_Funny_Pics#c5220393" target="_blank">Digg - Water Main Breaking, Overnight Street Parking = Funny Pics</a><br />
<br />
Go Digg it everyone.<!-- google_ad_section_end --></div>
<!-- / message --><!-- google_ad_section_end -->

See the "nofollow" before the link? That makes it invisible to the spiders. Take it out.
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The option to view previous posts has disappeared. Has the option been moved or revamped in the update? Where might I find this option now?
When someone posts a link in a message, the system puts a "no follow" in front of it and the spiders won't pick it up. Can this be changed so the spiders will pick up links from TW?
No, this is by design.

I don't want spiders following links to external pages and thus spending less time on TW. I alo don't want spiders following links to internal pages that are already linked elsewhere. This can cause pages - especially dynamic ones - to be seen as duplicate content which lowers page ranking. I also don't want spiders spending time on 'noise' content like the reply, quote and profile pages.