My Journey Thru Hell

not right now they dont, logroller

especially some thug black guy the cops probably wished was dead before the hurricane hit
It's probably pretty doubtful that any bodies will be capable of being both ID'd and examined for cause of death by the time the police get around to them all. Chances are they're more likely to just treat the dead as dead and try to round them up and get them buried/burned so that they don't enhance the chance of disease.

So the moral of the story is, if there's someone you really want to kill, do it during a catastrophic natural disaster
Me and a few buddies were definately thinking about flying down there and helping out for a week or so. Looks like maybe we should have.
LogRoller said:
No way man, no one has time to track down murderers and stuff. Don't be such an idiot!
Consider the factors loggy

- Time
- Justification
- Priorities of government
- Forensic resources
- personal feelings of the grand jury/DA
dude. there are so many fucking rotting bodies out there right now. Half of these families probably dont even know their sons/daughters/mothers/fathers are even fucking dead yet. its sad. very sad. By the time everything is cleared, they will only be able to identify the last few that died. Its a hell hole. Hell has risen from the depths.
puncho said:
Logroller, there was a killer a couple months back that posted on his blog about killing ppl, no?

No idea. If so, I'm betting he used an anonymizer and/or some untraceable locale. Either that, or (as I previously stated) he was probably extremely stupid.
if this is true:

that's pretty, i dunno impressive? bold, at any rate

if that happened to me i'd be a little more discreet, i mean describing their clothes and stuff.....
Ranger-=VuP=- said:
Also - you don't think that those that were shot and killed will eventually be ID'd, and that those people have RELATIVES who will seek justice? It won't be some high up government official deciding whether to pursue the death of a looter that introduces the case to the justice system, it will be a family member of the deceased. That's a big fucking deal. I think the best thing for Code4 to do if this is indeed real (i highly doubt it is) would be to go talk to the police NOW.

Nope. It won't happen. Code4 could go on CNN right now, and claim he killed 3 niggers in cold blood for no reason. He'd only get arrested if it caused enough of an uproar to build up political pressure. But there is no way he'd be prosecuted. You and logroller don't understand the standard of proof require to convict someone of murder. At this point, discrepancies on the time of death alone would be enough to get a "get out of prosecution free" card. Let alone the fact that it was self defense, with witnesses on his side to agree with him. You think anything is going to happen because some guy posted some stuff on the internet?
heres the deal. a few days ago some reporter from aus. found a cop in N.O. and asked for help (or something along those lines) and the cop looked at them and said, "fuck you, its every man for themself".

so, its very possible that what code said is all true.

the thing i want to know is, there were alot of people getting killed (it sounds) in N.O. so, are they going to turn it into the worlds largets crime scene out of CSI?
i know what the reality of the situation is down in NO but there's something about code4's story that simply doesn't seem right. i can't put my finger on it. :shrug: oh well.
SiROiS said:
This shit IS every man for themself. there is no holds barred down there. It is a fucking warzone. Fucking wake up people.

Are you some fucking moron with a penis envy problem? No one is contesting that things are fucked in NO. What is at issue are the believable facts behind this particular post.