[So] I just got "terminated"


Veteran X

I was never fired. This thread is a lie, and nexting is for faggots.

Anyone? He took pics with a cell phone in a public place. What crimes did he actually commit?

Creepy taking pics like that? Sure I guess, but last I checked being creepy isn't a crime. Its not like he was taking pics up chicks skirts or down their clevage.

Fucked up part is, I bet 90% of the assholes in this thread ripping on him would have done the same or have friends that would have done simliar things with their cell phones and they would have laughed about it and enjoyed it. Now its on TW its cool to rag on him so everyone jumps the bandwagon to get a rip in.
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Blitz said:
I just had a discussion with the LP guy at my work. (Loss prevention) and he notified me of something that had taken place on the internet. Of course he was talking about my "threads" and it turns out that someone on tribalwar actually DID what most just say they will do. I am not mad at you, whoever you are, I made the mistake and as life goes on I have to deal with the mistakes I make and the consequences. I lost my job, I did something I shouldn't have. I apologize for the threads and anybody they offended. Honestly, this isn't just an "internet" dealing anymore, this is now affecting my actual life in a very serious way as I never thought it would, so whoever you are no need to come forward, in fact it's best you not. I just wanted to let you know the shit has indeed hit my fan. I am just asking for the threads to please be deleted so I don't have them following me around, :shrug: I fucked up.

TW - 1

Blitz - 0

it was me. .. you didn't believe me.


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who did what, how much money did you make at the job, and do you have a hot girlfriend that is going to leave you because of it? (pics and number if so)