
Xml V2.0

Veteran XV
does anyone know a good tutorial on skinning weapons?
i want to be able to convert to a black and white bmp image and not a vol. file. any help would be appreciated. thx
There's not much ther needs to be known.

Download Volumer, extract the .bmp's you need (pay attention to have the "convert pbmp -> bmp" checkbox checked), edit them to your liking, apply one of the 3 palettes, run makeskin (RTFM) and put the compiled skin into the base\skins folder.

Either that or use hudbot.
using hudbot you just need to create the files as pngs and take care about the dimensions of the skins. Both sides of the hudbot replacement needs to be a power of 2. Like 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
GreyHound said:
using hudbot you just need to create the files as pngs and take care about the dimensions of the skins. Both sides of the hudbot replacement needs to be a power of 2. Like 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048

how do you create the files as pngs? i use photoshop is there a way to convert the file? when you say they need to be to a power of 2, do you mean 256x256 on the horizontal and vertical size?

edit: nvm i got it, thank you
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