December patch!?

blissful said:
well, nothing beats a good rpg (unfortunately none exist with the depth I would die for) and although wow has an ongoing pricetag and looks disney-like, it is for some reason snapping up alot of the tribes community which I do find somewhat suspicious

But is it eating into Planetside? PS is arguably the other Tribes sequel.
Exactly how many simultaneous players online does PS even have? I have heard people say it is a failure but does that mean less than 1000 people online or what?
PS currently has around 600-800 online per server (3 servers total) in prime time with the low point at 3am still seeing about 100 players/server. You could see that as a failure, because we used to have 1000-1500 players per server 6 months ago. With 600 players/map the server population will now fit in one map which makes the game rather boring.
I don't see why all you guys are making a big deal out of this "Patch From Heaven". All this effing shazbot is is punkbuster plus a handful of bug fixes, map holes, and other shazbot. Don't expect feature updates to
-tourney mode
-server admin
-gameplay tweaks
-mod support.
JackLuminous said:
I don't see why all you guys are making a big deal out of this "Patch From Heaven". All this effing shazbot is is punkbuster plus a handful of bug fixes, map holes, and other shazbot. Don't expect feature updates to
-tourney mode
-server admin
-gameplay tweaks
-mod support.
To my understanding, people crash and lag more in tourney mode than in FFA. I wouldn't consider fixing that a "feature update".

Most problems with the game right now are of technical nature. Demo playback, tourney mode, netcode, etc. These can totally ruin the game experience even if the design itself is flawless.
December's only half-over. They still have two weeks to make their deadline. Guy didn't say December 1st. Anyone with any experience in these things knows that "December" means December 31st.
JackLuminous said:
I don't see why all you guys are making a big deal out of this "Patch From Heaven". All this effing shazbot is is punkbuster plus a handful of bug fixes, map holes, and other shazbot. Don't expect feature updates to
-tourney mode
-server admin
-gameplay tweaks
-mod support.

exactly. Lets all just agree that they put the MP as secondary. Its very obvious. All we can do is give them time and hope their intentions are to patch up the MP and polish it up. Lessons learned. Never make the MP secondary with a Tribes game.

Good Grief, after the third try you'd think that was obvious.
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Seriously, How many of you vets really even played the Single-Player for more then 15 minutes?

I tried it and was like cool graphics and fun killing bots, but now on to Multi-Player. I guess it would be ok for all the n00bs to hang out in SP and shoot bots all day, but I always enjoyed the aspect of actually killing another real person playing on the other end of a keyboard. ;)
[sCs]Slinger07 said:
Seriously, How many of you vets really even played the Single-Player for more then 15 minutes?

I played the SP straight through because the storyline was so compelling. I agree with IGN that the storyline was better than HL2.
We will get it Dec. 24th. They will say it is a Christmas present to us but I bet it will wield some new bugs with it.

I actually thought this would have been released a few days ago with the state of the game. More and more people are using autoaim in servers.