need to drill a hole into some glass


Veteran XX
need a way to make a few small holes in a pane of glass without cracking it down the middle. ive tried a dremmel but it can only do so much and takes forever. any siggestions?
D-Sect said:
the have glass bits that drill glass.. $6 a pop

Yeppers diamond tipped carbide. How thick is the glass your drilling? Thin stuff may shatter from the pressure, but otherwise drilling glass is easy enough.
How big of a hole do you need? Start with a tiny bit and progressively go bigger and bigger.
I find that laying it ontop of something firm but giving, like orthopedic foam helps to reduce vibrations and chips/fractures.
just need some holes about ½ in diameter. its to mount some glass over some light fixtures. its not like im breaking into my neighbors house to get thier new hdtv
tried it with masking tape already. regular drill bits just split the glass after going in a little bit