.png file for reticle ?


Veteran X
probably a stupid question, but I can't seem to get a .png extension to work as my reticle. I named it h_reticle.bmp and put it in my base folder and skins folder but no luck either way. What do I need to do to get this png file to work as my reticle?

Same with sky textures that are in png format?
if I just run the regular hudbot without added tv textures, how many skins are going to get replaced, ie, sensors, energy bars, ect ?
No no no, the new hudbot comes with reticle support Jimmy. R3L!K, just make a .png file that you want for your reticle, name it gui.reticle.png and put it in the \andrew\ folder in your Tribes base folder. Make sure you have the latest version of hudbot running. Also, make sure you don't name the file gui.reticle.png.png. You may not have window showing extensions for known file types.
also if your creating a reticle.png the centre of the image is the point of aim, but if you choose to make a custompng in your hudbot.cs then... thats harder :( as i found out, and it stays on ur screen 27/4
At0m|c said:
No no no, the new hudbot comes with reticle support Jimmy. R3L!K, just make a .png file that you want for your reticle, name it gui.reticle.png and put it in the \andrew\ folder in your Tribes base folder. Make sure you have the latest version of hudbot running. Also, make sure you don't name the file gui.reticle.png.png. You may not have window showing extensions for known file types.
oh. i should probably download that then..
wow reading my earlier post i really did sound like a n00b. BUT, after fiddling with hudbot for a day and getting everything situated just right, I'm all settled in and I love my new setup. One thing to note is that if you want a reticle not included in any of andrew's packs, the background has to be trasnparent, otherwise, as I learned, it shows the background color. I figured out how to make a transparent reticle file and got that working, and now have the compass working as well.

Very Nice stuff, I'm just looking for some more transparent skins. Is anyone willing to take my hi res chaingun and gernade launcher and make them transparent? Or atleast tell me how I can open them to apply transparent settings with psp7 and save them as .png.

Pic of the Current setup, as of 10 mins ago:

weapon pngs don't need transparent background, open with andrews bmp viewer save as windows bmp open in photoshop set transparency save as png
heh, well, elite ren was thinking about implementing last hope into their servers but I don't think that is goinng to happen. And there is a huge difference between elite spawn ren (which I play), and anything ren/armor related. Elite ren = LT base + boosters/medium armor, and hm :/