[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

People with a working brain and ~moderate intelligence already know this but for you Trump supporters, we'll try and explain it slowly.


7. A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add that to a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special. – Nelson Mandela







in summary
derp derp derp
Tehvul probably used the wrong b/t, but even if he didn't, if you were "smart," you'd know the difference between smart and informed.

No. I meant what I said, and do not publish for 2 reasons.

1. Would get murdered.
2. They would put it in a machine.

2 must never be allowed to happen. The instant the machine realizes is doesn't need us to make more of itself humans are gone. All of us.
No. I meant what I said, and do not publish for 2 reasons.

1. Would get murdered.
2. They would put it in a machine.

2 must never be allowed to happen. The instant the machine realizes is doesn't need us to make more of itself humans are gone. All of us.
Do you realize you said trillions and he said billions? Or are you just referring to the fact that women have significantly less?
lol sam, no need to knight for tehvul.

he was talking about neurons... he even doubled down on his trillions of neurons claim by saying how there are neurons in the heart and the gut too.

google says the brain has 86 billion neurons, 40,000 in the heart, and some 100 million in the small intestine.

basic math tells us humans don't have "trillions" of neurons. but as tehvul says, do your own research (of videos recommended to me by youtube).