Apex Legends in 2020

Been playing this game since the start, certainly getting better (know you asked this the other day Cy...)

Had to share a story from what happened yesterday because quite frankly, besides my 7 year old who said WOW DAD THATS COOL - no one else really gives a fuck, but I would say it was an APEX HOF worthy play and if somehow it was recorded, would be glorified forever!

So, we all know this stupid fucking (awesome) game crashes from time to time, luckily in the last patch they put in a reconnect feature...

I am in a game 2 squads left, one of my team mates has already DCd as he died outside the ring and no respawns.

Me and the other dude are in the final ring, we hear people - I am on the roof of a building. BOOM - DC. Fuck.

I reconnect only to find my other partner now gone - solo time, but I am still alive!? WTF.

I hear then, see them in the building, toss an arcstar and a couple fire nades, hit 2 - go down, Gold devotion, nail them both - third guy comes, kills me...oh what's this, a resurrection shield -- could it be possible?

I sneak away down to the ground, hide, hope - I hear him ressing...OK, I revive myself. Lifeline is healing them.

Heal up quick, I jump up, nade nade, boom with the mastiff, kill 2 of them - the last guy comes around, I am down to 80HP, devotion spraying his face....BOOM DED

Solo win, basically killing 2 + 3 same squad, twice.

LETS GO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 squads left. 2 other squads were shooting it out up the way. My squad was knocking off. Next thing you know this pops up. :lol:


Was fun match.

i don't feel like loba is that OP, if at all.

its finally fun to play mirage with the changes to his abilities - agent of chaos and confusion.