This Right Here is a Thread about White People Shooting Black People

I can tell you what is not MAGA - the killing of Ahmaud Arbery.

I hope these guys and anyone else in their little "posse" get the death sentence. Also, anyone involved in the attempted cover up as well.


given how many times the media have fed us sensational lies every time a black dude is killed by a white person, i'll wait to see what more info comes out.

the video shows him and them fighting over the gun and him losing. they were looking for someone reported for a burglary. and the victim was a typical degenerate criminal.

dont be a room temperature iq retard like lebron james. wait for more info then develop an opinion.

I saw the unedited last night.

The "jogger" is like 13-14 miles from his home, and at one point in the video you can see he's wearing timberland boots. So he's not a "jogger" like the media keeps saying. The media calls him a jogger to give the impression that it must be the reason he was in that neighborhood. Sneaky jew trick. Notice how most media calls him a jogger in unison. This is consensus cracking, making it appear as if there is a consensus since people will be more inclined to believe it.

The father was a former detective, and called 1 non emergency line to first report it, then called 911 later, then went to find him with the son to preform a citizens arrest.

Citizens arrest and having guns in public are both legal there. Im for both, but that seems like a dangerous mix. I feel fine if it's on your own property though. I think the armed citizens arrest got this situation rolling.

The guy who recorded the video is unknown. Father told the "jogger" they wanted to talk to him. The jogger charges, runs around the passenger side of the car, turns at the front then goes to attack the son trying to grab the gun. At this point, you HAVE to shoot him.

It's a fucked up situation. The armed citizens arrest was a dumb idea. Charging armed men is even dumber. The mind of a black man is fight or flight response is nothing like it is with us. We can't even imagine. Their thoughts and behavior in these situations is radically different. Whites and blacks are different in general, but there is gulf between our people as large as when in fight or flight mode.

While I think the father and son were in the wrong, you can't characterize this as simply whites being mean to blacks. In the south everything is pretty segregated, and whites there know much more about black behavior than anyone in America, and it's a big reason why CC is so popular. Nice homes and stores in all white areas frequently have random blacks show up and this stuff happens. A black man walking around a white neighborhood in boots raises very legitimate suspicions based on a lifetime of pattern recognition.

That county has a lot of blacks living in it. One article I read said something about a jury deciding what they would prosecute the father and son with. Demographically it will be stacked with blacks, so that will nudge things to a harsh punishment. Then again, another source said citizens arrest and open carry are legal, so we will see. This is race war riot material though. A race riot would not last long in GA however, because all the white people have guns.

this was justifiable considering the thrown hammer visible and seeing the shooting's photographer swerve to dodge it.

trayvon's was not

i would hope to see laws preventing or restricting CHL holders from chasing petty criminals at some point but distinguish crimes could be tricky. in texas you can use deadly force against certain property crimes. it sucks for the kid, since petty theft shouldn't be a capital offense but it's not very smart to charge someone with a shot gun or throw hammers what can you do?

Just another Jew fed media lynching of not only 1 but 2 white males.

Darkies are untouchable. Any affront on them by a white person is nothing more than the white person being rasis.

My local media this morning must've said 3 times "jogging" and showed a bunch of idiot blacks walking with signs that said something along the lines of "I am a jogger" or something like that.

Don't fall for the media hype on this story. The Darkie threw something at them and charged in attack mode but the white dudes should have only tailed the guy and not tried a citizens arrest.

I have no sympathy for people who take the law into their own hands and wind up extrajudicially killing someone, whether that person was a piece of shit or not. If you insert yourself into a situation, you are responsible for any escalation that results from it.

Yeah that's why everyone should wait for the police to show up if they are being robbed or raped.

Also who in their right mind would charge a guy with a shotgun? Especially if theyre innocent and the guys said they want to talk. The only way I would ever possibly charge somebody with a gun is if it was pointed at me already.

Practically speaking of course you’re right. Legally speaking it gets more complicated and requires much more detail.

I’ve learned to wait now given how many times we’ve been incorrect about these shootings.

I mean the media narrative for Michael brown was that he was executed on his knees with his hands in the air and the facts of the case were that he attacked a police officer and grabbed at his firearm successfully enough it was discharged in his car.

So I fell who the fuck knows right now what happened.
Agreed, that's why I merely said I have no sympathy for them. If they had just called the cops instead of inserting themselves there would be no murder trial.

Do you think race had nothing to do with it?

Before jumping to conclusions do we have any background?

I dont have time to research this why did they record him? Why did they think he was a robber? Does this guy have a history of crime?

apparently there was a home under construction and he looked into the property on his jog

"what if i owned this one day soon"

guilty as charged

dang gunned down like a dog in the street

He probably scored that hammer while "looking into" a construction site while "jogging" in his tims

This isn't always as easy as wait for the police anymore. In this case it might have been but I also don't know all the details. They are beyond busy lately with increased domestic violence issues and even during best of times don't show up anymore, especially for say an attempted burglary suspect......

Granted this depends alot on where you live, your specific locality, your local Sheriff, their office policies, your DA, etc, but not everyone can just call the cops and have them show up when needed with absolute dependability anymore. The ANDY GRIFFITH show era is over for most of us.

In California, in most regions, you would be lucky to ever have a police officer show up for an actual theft or any trespassing suspect anymore.

We have this now

California Man Arrested 3 Times In 12 Hours But Repeatedly Released Due To Zero-Bail Policy | Zero Hedge

California Eliminates Bail For Majority Of Suspects Awaiting Trial | Zero Hedge

It is getting beyond lawless over here. Prisons and jails are intentionally being emptied, ICE detention facilities are no longer holding people, our crime issues are compounding by the hour.

As are the $ monetary legal requirments for what constitutes actual theft (over 1k dollars).......or even an actual violent crime on the West Coast.

A few Summers ago we had an arsonist in my area I had to almost citizens arrest/gumshoe on my own the way these two did......or tried to.

Some deranged individual started several 1-acre plus sized fires around where I was camping in a regular Summer house/cabin.

This occurred during our worst fire season ever, where most other emergency personnel resources were already allocated, and after Paradise, CA just got nuked to the ground and was in ashes.......

For over a week the cops played cat and mouse with some guy who they believed stole a vehicle, ditched it in the woods, set it on fire and all but off on this type of insanity behavior. They couldn't catch him after many attempts and he kept running into the woods where they either couldn't pursue him
or just refused to do so. To their credit the guy was fast.

One day I saw a local feed that he was spotted at our corner store, where cops chased him into the woods again, lost him again, were searching for him again, but to no availability (again).

The only difference was he was now in town and I knew this area and local woods better than he did. I knew where he was likely hiding. I knew the people and homes involved. Getting in my car to drive over there I saw the individual, who refused to make eye contact, and engaged him (with gopro dash camera going).

I knew I couldn't ask him if he was the arsonist, if he was the crazy guy everyone was looking for, so I instead asked him if he saw a lost dog.......that this is why I was driving around slowly like i was looking for someone.

He began begging me for a ride, asked me which way was quickest path back to freeway, expessed how desperate he was to get out of the area.....this is when I knew beyond any doubt I found the right person.

My first thoughts, call it option 1, was don't lose the asshole, citizens arrest him right on the spot.......GUN OUT

My calmer mind, more methodical mind, call it option 2, told me to call for police backup who I hear were already in the area looking for him....

granted in all the wrong areas......they were nowhere close to where they should be but I could assist them with that with a phone call.

I went with option 2.......I told him I would do a loop looking for dog and if I couldn't find "her" would give him a ride. I went out of his sight and called 911 told them situation they said deputies were notified and in rout.

Not five minutes passed when I looped around and the guy was gone. He took off down another side street or trail and was extremely quick. I felt like I lost the guy, I was now responsible for him getting away and future damage he would create with those I knew and had personal connection with.

That if I couldn't find him in my neighborhood, my hood, the Sherrif's deputies had no chance either.

I was fortunate to run into a a neighbor I've known for decades who told me which trail he went down...eliminating any confusion and it was at that point I felt forced to citizens detain him myself law enforcement finally arrived.

I basically played a labradorean pointer and didn't have to do the dirty work.

They also had to use guns to pull him out of the woods where he was in the act of starting another forest fire which had to be put out. Nobody could be sure if he started these to create a distraction in hopes of getting away, or if this was just something he loved doing. Either way without me he would have burned the area down and ruined killed/many more lives. I have no doubt of that. That should be the scariest part of this anecdotal story for you.....:lol:

Short of the story is nobody would have EVER gotten the guy, in my opinion, given what I experienced, unless local people like me stepped up and made it beyond easy for them. Made it something they couldn't screw up. With cops now far busier and harder to find when you need them this is even more so the case. Nobody cares about your home or your property and family more than you do. If at all or any.

burglary != petty theft
home invasion/robbery != petty theft

i live in that one too hi5
as we learned with Zimmerman, it’s much more complicated that that.

Like I’ve said, in an altercation and depending on legal jurisdiction, the right to use lethal force bounces back and forth almost second to second.

self defense is complicated. It’s why Zimmerman wasn’t even charged until public pressured the da and if you watched that trial, the outcome was obvious.

looking at his rap sheet it was like his 10th felony that decade

last altercation with police, he bit the officers arresting him.....most of them had to get std tested after a ground pound engagement where he spit his blood in their faces while being detained.

and despite all that it only took the courts like 2 years to prosecute the guy

he got 4 years for the stolen car and 2 years for the fires

They probably already let him out of prison since I guess both of those count as "non-violent" offenses...........and just in time for this years fire season.

Just executing criminals moving forward sounds easier and a better use of our time/money so not really shocked these rednecks just went with that option outright.

Given his years as a detective he probably already knew what I had to learn the hard way.

That's irrelevant. Two men without state granted authority confronted a guy who wasn't in the process of a crime and shot him with a weapon they brought with them. They had no means of determining guilt or innocence, nor the authority to detain someone even if they presumed guilt. At any moment they could've simply called the police to file a report. It's even more egregious because the father was connected with active police, making such a call more likely to be received and acted upon.

Murder's a bit of a stretch, likely a result of community backlash. Seems like a pretty clear case of manslaughter or negligent homicide.

Doing the work of a Fool
is hard
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tbh i agree w/ the bartender on this 1

bigly winning all around: melanin-enhanced supercriminal removed; fat fuking inbred southern fried trash either gonna get locked up & pounded by Biggly Niggly in prison (win 4 comedy hacks nationwide) or they get off scot-fucking-free because even in the post-obama world, black ppl still can't just go do whatever they fucking please w/o repercussion
Can we have a tipping thread?

A cool challenge would be to have a tipping thread with the one rule that nobody can reference Mr pink

Sent from my SM-T867U using Tapatalk
Can we have a tipping thread?

A cool challenge would be to have a tipping thread with the one rule that nobody can reference Mr pink

Sent from my SM-T867U using Tapatalk

not only do we suck at tipping..........

we just got done fighting over tip jars being a thing or not still

apparently I'm told they are not

and that baffles me tbh......i see them everywhere

yet am told they don't exist

(see what i did here Severed......derailed another thread like I'm NEO escaping the Matrix)
tbh i agree w/ the bartender on this 1

bigly winning all around: melanin-enhanced supercriminal removed; fat fuking inbred southern fried trash either gonna get locked up & pounded by Biggly Niggly in prison (win 4 comedy hacks nationwide) or they get off scot-fucking-free because even in the post-obama world, black ppl still can't just go do whatever they fucking please w/o repercussion

13% of population demographics (really under 6%) does over 50% (~55%) of all violent crime in this country per year........VIA FBI STATS


And I'm told the outcome of that reality is the truly racist part
Can we have a tipping thread?

A cool challenge would be to have a tipping thread with the one rule that nobody can reference Mr pink

Sent from my SM-T867U using Tapatalk

You guys almost got your wish last time you got on my MAGA
But with the media needing a distraction
This one could go on forever drama...
todays bullshit trayvon martin case of week going to make international news for months



meanwhile these just another day and another statistic you will never hear about

you have to dig and flip rocks for
so instead of nignogs shooting each other. two white dudes shot one... maybe they're wiggas?
13% of population demographics (really under 6%) does over 50% (~55%) of all violent crime in this country per year........VIA FBI STATS


And I'm told the outcome of that reality is the truly racist part
Amadeus once spent PAGES arguing in favor of blacks, saying that the stats don't say what we think they say.

Apparently incarceration, charges, and recidivism rates don't actually mean that blacks are more likely to commit crime even though the data is massively skewed in that very direction. So don't be racist bro.
if the outcome isn't what you want

then that is textbook literal definition racism

if the outcome is what you want

well then you got what was coming to u suckas


we all know what happened to these two nice white people right?

I mean I still told stories about underground railroads and back of bus rosa parks

but never about just normal people who got murdered in the worst possible ways

i wonder why