
Op delivered.

Corona virus is a fucking hoax. Move along, there's nothing to see here. Focus on Isabel dos Santos instead. Thank you.
400+ million under quarantine in just China

now including their capital city

global shipping and delivery and factories being slowed to a hault

yeah this can't be a real issue at all

just like the flu but less deadly
donnie warned them not 2 mess w/ the best or they'd die like the rest :flag: :skull: :flag:

usa first (((nation))) 2 actually rack up some bigly kills in a trade war

can't stop
won't stop
yesterday my mom called and asked if i could drive her to church bc dad wasn't feeling well

i strapped on my jack boots hopped on my hog and rode out to the country to kick the bitch's teeth in and remind her what quarantine means
im just glad that on my clearly filtered internet some straight up loser will still plant straight up child porn on reddit/r/gonewild where if i ignore it and report it for weeks at a time it just gets reuploaded

how does not that deserve the death penalty?

and then ur gonna say im supposed to be quarantined from the internet so its my fault.
honestly with china just ignoring everyone and doing whatever it wants we should just close the borders and let it kill of of them. Shoot anything that tries to fly over and let china burn to the ground. Pay the price for your terrible choices.