So I just got my tickets to see Jim Jefferies on his UK tour..

not being a crime doesn't mean much to me tbh

this meat puppet for SoroS is as old as the girl in question was when JJ did his thing to her

born 3 January 2003


Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia

I mean it might be legal in some countries and states

still wrong

and not just because she is fukin retarded

Not retarded, fetal alcohol syndrome.

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I guess because he can make enough money without travelling so far. 5 huge venues in UK almost sold out. You probably think it's because he drinks and swears which is just further evidence of mullet-headed trailer-dwelling rust-fixing ignorance, as if any more were needed.
Oh, sorry I made you wait over 2 hours to post that, bet you were so excited. You can clean up the drool now. GG Hi 5.

Also, 2013 ������
I guess because he can make enough money without travelling so far. 5 huge venues in UK almost sold out. You probably think it's because he drinks and swears which is just further evidence of mullet-headed trailer-dwelling rust-fixing ignorance, as if any more were needed.

:rolleyes: of coarse he can sell tickets in limeyland, it's a nation of "people" who find snoozefest soccer entertaining :rolleyes:
and the hits keep on coming

this guy really is funny to laugh at afterall

thanks MITCH

You should know better than anyone that you can find anything you like on the internet. All you need is a lot of time on your hands, a mullet and a very sad existence.
mitch you were just as annoying on the pills and booze as you are sober. you might as well start up again, unless you're so weak that you already did :lol:
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Mitch will end up watchlisted for seeing this muslim hater. Better watch his back when he comes back through Dubai customs. That shitty backward country will probably lock him up forever.