WoW Classic TW guild

half of me wants to play but the other half knows that it wont be the same because I'm not a high school kid with nothing but time on my hands anymore
4 real tho if u don't think 4 1 second that I'm not gonna run into the healers during living bomb then u haven't been paying attn 2 the fukn literature
if classic becomes more popular than retail blizz gonna look hella dum lol... and its shapin up that way so far
I started WoW pretty late in the day. I was a Paladin and did all the Argent Dawn quests and ground to have exalted rep with them.

I also spent weeks doing all the quests for the attunement to Naxxramas, finally got it and was so excited. I didn't realise they had moved it to Northrend.

That was disappointing:(

Although, I ran Stratholme so many times I got the Deathcharger's Reins which gave me Baron Rivendare's Deathcharger and that was pretty sweet :)

/old WoW stories No. 23567