Just bought myself some new Nikes

just b/c vanster lived in dubai doesn't mean he pees in empty bottles u fuking jerk


I've never lived in Dubai.

I don't think we've ever had a post that illuminated, that one is among the best. People in TW cannot be counted on to numerate the belligerents in WWII, much less the foe Afghanistan be founded on a map.

This is a community that has no idea that Dubai is a city, not a country, has no idea the country, or even the continent on which Benghazi lies, and thinks that Syria, Turkey, and Egypt, have no idea which have allegiance of which is which, and yet claim to understand the politics of the middle east?

This is a village of idiots, and it moves in that direction. Once we remove anonymity, this forum will move forward.

OMG lavan is threatening me. Gonna call the cops.