blackout open beta

it is like.....extremely polished. engine runs great (yeah looks like its from 10 years ago, so what) RIP PUBG

seriously, i don't see any reason to play pubg over this.
Did they need to title it "Call of Duty"?

... is there no one with an original idea left in gaming any more?

What's next Call of Duty:GO! ?
this will be the first cod i buy since the original black ops. the bulkiness of pubg is so annoying
Oh yeah, I almost forgot:



Quick somebody sue these guys! Take them to court! Burn the witch!
Played some tonight. First FPS experience in a very long time.

Weird controls. Not a big fan of having 20 movement keybinds.

Loot is shitty at best. Sometimes I'll clear several buildings in a row, kill two or three people, and still have a shotgun and SMG with one attachment, or no SMG at all. I don't know if they quick-patched the drops or what, but I've yet to see a rifle or longer-range weapon.

Too many little shit things on the floor everywhere. My god. Just give us 2-3 healthkits or whatever with one pickup. Why do I have to spam it three times? It's stupid. I can't really distinguish between different grenades and shit on the ground without being RIGHT on them. It's all a blur at a distance. In fact the entire game looks a bit hazy/blurry.

Not sure if I want to get this game. Haven't bought an FPS game in a very long time, but this one seems really painful unless you are playing with a competent teammate.

p.s. Watercooled system 1080Ti/7700k, getting around 40-90fps, medium/high settings, ton of shit turned off (like motion blur, etc.).