Florida bans AR15

Also - I am looking at an ACR. Hey - it's not an AR - right? So - it can't be dangerous ;)


it's still got those scary spiny back things omg what are those things they are so intimidating
Maybe if everything looked like this pink Taurus curve the world would be a better place?
Being Canadian I had very little opinion one way or the other about guns.

But seeing the insanity of the left the past few years, the bullshit they put forward to try to take guns from people and how none of their policies have the least effect on anything, and getting a better understanding of exactly why firearms are important to Americans, I'm basically as pro-gun as ever right now.

I'm actually considering getting a firearms license here in Canada in the next few months, and owning a few myself. I think handguns are almost impossible to own here, and probably AR-15s too. But I wouldn't mind a cool hunting rifle or a shotgun.. and maybe an old timey Civil War style colt. I imagine it's slightly more legal, being.. 150 years old.

High five, southern brethren. I get it now.
it's still got those scary spiny back things omg what are those things they are so intimidating

the black spiny things are kind of scary but doesn't it also have slots along the bottom to mount a vertical grip, so it's more suitable for assault - wait i mean suitable for armalite?
They are insane. They are also the ones mostly making people crazy. They have this tight little system of making everyone unhappy and then blaming anyone who thinks differently while simultaneously trying to take more of their money and freedom. Shouting for freedom while practicing censorship.

Seriously - the left is mostly responsible for the current state of bullshit in the schools. No ability to discipline out-of-control students. Lack of money for good teachers. Silly curriculum. Lack of ability to teach morals and ethics. Meaning - lack of God. No pledge of allegiance. All of the good things removed. The coursework makes kids confused about their gender and place in life. Top that off with relentless prescription meds(not all the lefts fault) and broken families - somewhat due to "women's rights / equality" and you have the real reason kids are unhappy.
Yeah, you should thank us for starting to fix that by the way.

Jordan Peterson is basically the new Messiah to young men (and women) across the entirety of western culture.

And he's ours. Right from around where I grew up, too.


Conservatives are a bunch of obstinate to downright incredulously idiotic fucks

And ultra liberals have this painfully annoying superiority complex and are way over the top

Both groups piss me the fuck off
The only people who think conservatives are idiotic are dumbasses.

Conservatives are literally the only reason shit ever works anymore in ultra-hedonistic modern society.
Jordan is the bomb. I introduced my kid and his pals to Jordan and they are quoting him recently which is nice to see.
Did you make them clean up their rooms?

I'm not sure how you ban an AR-15 without banning all semi-automatic rifles. Even if you ban the sale of 1 brand of gun, in one of fifty states, what do you do about the millions of semi-automatic rifles already sold and in the wild?

It's a hollow, emotionally driven and sentimental gesture of little weight.
Did you make them clean up their rooms?

I'm not sure how you ban an AR-15 without banning all semi-automatic rifles. Even if you ban the sale of 1 brand of gun, in one of fifty states, what do you do about the millions of semi-automatic rifles already sold and in the wild?

It's a hollow, emotionally driven and sentimental gesture of little weight.

see: 1990s AWB
What's funny to me is that the left doesn't yet realize that most Americans don't buy arms to protect against the random crazy crack addict - they buy them to protect themselves from the government - in particular - the left. Most people have a utility gun for protection and a zombie apocalypse kit for - well zombies - or the government/lack thereof.

Let that sink in assholes. Again - you should control yourselves and that will in effect control gun sales. When you allow and encourage mobs of asshats on the streets - we buy arms. When you decriminalize crime - we buy arms. When you say you are going to take away our arms - we buy arms. Simple. Want to reduce the number of arms being sold? STFU and start enforcing existing laws. Start reducing the perceived need for arms and they will quietly sit in gun safes.
It's true. Gun sales are almost always fueled by people protecting against the government. Not random criminals. That's why gun sales have slumped under Trump. People aren't afraid of losing their arms and also they have plenty after years of stocking up under Obama and the threat of Hillary/Bernie.
I don't think it's one or the other. The nice thing about a firearm is it can 1) protect you from crazy crack addicts or home invasions and 2) give you a measure of security against "government tyranny"

Although I disagree, I doubt most people buy guns because they're scared of the government. Especially with Trump and Republicans in power. That's more like a gun-nut fantasy than reality.

Having said that, I fully support someone's right to purchase a gun no matter what the reason (aside from a nefarious one).

Especially when you consider that the Brits gave up all their guns, their police don't even carry them anymore -- and with the migrant crisis, rape, murder, stabbings, acid attacks and everything else have skyrocketed out of control, to the point where they literally do not have the resources to control it anymore. That's both tragic and embarrassing. Turns out nobody gives a shit about the local bobby with a baton when you're suddenly living in a neighbourhood overrun with dudes with machetes and acid.

Oh, AND the government, instead of trying to fix the issue, will throw you in jail for making a facebook post about it now.

Yeah, pretty sure Britain isn't doing so well since they decided to give up all their guns, including the ones the cops carried.

See you later, British. You're fucked.
Look, we all go out and get our first gun mostly for self-defense. Then we start buying more in case we "need" them. And because they are fun as fuck. That means for use against anyone who wants to take them away or attack our families/personal property. It doesn't really matter at that point whether it's rioters, looters, a mob or an out-of-control government. In the meantime, the watermelons should remain concerned.
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It's true. Gun sales are almost always fueled by people protecting against the government. Not random criminals. That's why gun sales have slumped under Trump. People aren't afraid of losing their arms and also they have plenty after years of stocking up under Obama and the threat of Hillary/Bernie.

sanders is slandered by DNC for supporting gun rights in VT go back to whatevr ur forms consider to be news sources cuz here you're just making shit up

edit- not that i even understand why you make a point about gun sales spiking versus an average level of gun sales whatever yall white boys are nuts but in a bad or weird way