[Rant] I'm done with that cop

I got called homophobic/bigot and zucced for like a week recently. Reason was because I factually stated Homosexuailty is a mental disorder and the LGBTQRSTUV agenda's endgame is the normalization of pedophilia.

They are mad alright. Mad in a hypocritical batshit crazy way.

Homosexuality should be illegal. Homsexuality is a choice. Like all choices the choice can be a good choice or a bad choice. In this case homosexuality is a very bad choice.

Syphilis, HPV, Meningitis, Chlamydia, Herpes, Gonorrhea, are at record numbers in the gay community and elsewhere. There is Prep now, for prevention of HIV, so fags go on fuck sprees like never before. Spreading all those things all of everywhere. Not giving one fuck if they do.

To make matters worse there is an increasing amount of "hetero" married men looking to give/get a bj or flat out have full on gay sex and then go back to wife. Who soon gets a suprise from her doc.

I'm a former fag myself so my advise here isn't coming from an unlearned point of view. I've seen what I'm talking about with my own eyes. It's clear the fags will not change their ways, so in the name of public safety we have to declare homosexuality an illegal practice and institute harsh punishment to stop the fags from killing us all.

:lol: and this week tehvul is gay again
Not Gay
hetero to gay to trans to hating on gay its a ferris wheel of confliction

the openly manic gives a surreal touch to the story of a gay messican finding his way in America, from not being able to rack a 9mm, to fucking his way into a home.