You raff yuo roose v.3871

god damnit i have to agree with Reggs. I always hated the show your work and shit. like if i got the right answer why do i need to draw you a fucking picture of how i did it. if i can do it in my head then let me do it in my head.

Because teachers don't know if you did it in your head or copied the answer from the white male sitting next to you.
I think some of what it does is smart, but obviously its not for everyone and making everyone do common core is stupid.

Then they take common core and extrapolate other solutions for things and its just as much as big a cluster fuck as just doing the straight up math.

yeh but thats said about everything. Take any easy solution for X and they compound it so its more complicated than what i was replacing to begin with.
Common Core has nothing to do with a better way of learning and 100% to do with hurting white people and brain washing children.

It's not really a discussion.
the basics for common core are simple. They just cant seem to teach it without being completely fucking stupid.

The basis of common core is for ppl who cant fucking add "complicated" numbers so you basically turn one number into something simple like 10 then add the difference.

8 + 5 = 13
8+2+3 = 13
so 10+3=13

they just take 2 from 5make it 3 so 8 can turn into 10 which is easier to add to.

ITs ironic how common core is for ppl who cant think so the workaround is doing multiple math equations lol..

But that can be said about everything on this planet.

I had no idea wtf they were doing up there, this explained it. It is actually pretty much what I have done in my head all my life anyway without realising. I'm usually the best in any room at mental arithmetic u know - I'm a top flight mathlete

Nothing about it is smart. Students come up with their own math strategies very early all on their own. No one needs to teach them the strategies.

god damnit i have to agree with Reggs. I always hated the show your work and shit. like if i got the right answer why do i need to draw you a fucking picture of how i did it. if i can do it in my head then let me do it in my head.

This is so they know you have the basic procedure correct b/c it leads into more advanced areas of maths. You may not have progressed that far so it probably doesn't matter TBH, I mean how many numbers are there on a telemarketers phone keypad anyway, amirite?
yeh i been changing numbers in my head to make it easier also. ITs just the way they teach it makes it sound soo complicated then they made it idiotic.