Mr Robot

Hackers don't choose ethnicity
Ethnicity choose to hack

Plus, this show represents America. If you ain't happy, move to Russia
Russia has less non blond people. You wouldn't fit, but you'd be considered "exotic" and eventually sent to a gulag by even mentioning "Trump". Let me know if you need help buying your ticket :bigthumb:
what r the odds the best hacker n the world finds an all race cast of superhackers

the lipservice given to over-represented minorities is ridic

well within the context of having a major character directly quote trump to mock him and splaying a background in the finale with gay putin posters i think it makes more sense

a tv show is just scenes, dialogue, characters. but a tv show as a creation, made with vision, intention and meaning can be more then that
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:rofl: i love the old 'n angry chiming in here. "female muslim hacker? ruined the realism - had to stop"

yet somehow when the main character habitually guesses people's passwords it's totally believable.
Who said that wasn't just as retarded?

There are tons of things that are shit about the show.

As dumb as it is, I'd sooner believe someone guessed someone's password than an elite female Muslim hacker. It's so fucking stupid it hurts.