filetype search


Veteran XX
I am familiar with google filetype: searches and various ftp search engines but a lot of the results seem limited. Is there a way to search the net for certain filetypes? I am expanding my learning on Aspire and have found some of the other sessions I have viewed of others have taught me a ton.

The filetypes I am looking for are .crv and .crv3d is there a way to get a large index of these that are shared/open on the net?

Never used newsgroups much but maybe I should explore those?
as I said I have done lots of searches and used a lot of filetype search engines... most I have found are very limited... just trying to find out if there is a better way than what I have found on google.

I have read some on newsgroups and newzbins but didn't quite get the gist of it. Was hoping there was another option or program that does it.

Also note : that LMGTFY came up with pretty much no project files :)
the easiest way 2 do it is actually to go to your nearest public library. when you go in, point your gun at the librarian and start screaming incoherently about how your neighbors are stealing your feces to clone you and blame u for the assassination of jfk.