[it's official] Jew Trump gives full power to the Jews

Bush also said basically the same thing. So did the male Clinton. Those 3 never did anything about it because they, unlike Trump, liked taking Israeli cock.
Cael the President is not sucking israel ass like the above mention "presidents" and dumbasses in general. Nope. Everything but that. What President Trump is really doing is giving israel plenty of rope needed to hang itself.

If you study the Bible you already know "jews" and muslims are brothers. Isaac & Ishmael. The muslims are already freaking out and the "jews" are already celebrating. If you have read the Arthashastra you know "my enemy's enemy is my friend." Which is fancy talk for pit your enemies against one another and mop up the already weakened victor at your discretion.

Some will say but the President married off his favorite daughter to a jew. Which is 100% factual. However can you think of a better way to negate the inevitable claims of antisemitism? In the jewish faith the mother is important similar to how in the western world the father is important.
i love that tehvul thinks that ivanka marrying jared was somehow arranged and planned by 7d trump to prevent accusations of racism

like he sold off his daughter to the highest bidder and she fathered this doods kids for her fathers political gain :rofl:
i love that tehvul thinks that ivanka marrying jared was somehow arranged and planned by 7d trump to prevent accusations of racism

like he sold off his daughter to the highest bidder and she fathered this doods kids for her fathers political gain :rofl:

seems legit
i love that tehvul thinks that ivanka marrying jared was somehow arranged and planned by 7d trump to prevent accusations of racism

like he sold off his daughter to the highest bidder and she fathered this doods kids for her fathers political gain :rofl:


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Dafuq? Is this real life?
I'm not American and I know USA is the mediator responsible to help the countries in that zone reach Peace. If USA says Jerusalem is the capital of JewLand, USA is basically ending with all the negotiations, making all the Muslims and Christians rage hard and prepare planes to crash in as many buildings as possible in each murican capital.

Unless!! Of course... Kim annihilates all of you with Maga atomic bombs with the help of Gina.

Don't miss the next episode! :lol:
Juggs. Whore of Babylon much?

the symbolism of the whore of Babylon refers not to an invading infidel of foreign power, but to an apostate false queen, a former "bride" who has been unfaithful and who, even though she has been divorced and cast out because of unfaithfulness, continues to falsely claim to be the "queen" of the spiritual realm.

This symbolism did not fit the case of Rome at the time. Proponents of this view suggest that the "seven mountains" in Rev 17:9 are the seven hills on which Jerusalem stands and the "fall of Babylon" in Rev 18 is the fall and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Whore of Babylon - Wikipedia
Dafuq? Is this real life?
I'm not American and I know USA is the mediator responsible to help the countries in that zone reach Peace. If USA says Jerusalem is the capital of JewLand, USA is basically ending with all the negotiations, making all the Muslims and Christians rage hard and prepare planes to crash in as many buildings as possible.

Unless!! Of course... Kim annihilates all of you with Maga atomic bombs with the help of Gina.

Don't miss the next episode! :lol:
