North Koreans are eating human feces


Veteran XV
North Korean Defector Found Riddled With Large And Unusual Organisms | IFLScience

“We are struggling with treatment as we found a large number of parasites in the soldier’s stomach, invading and eating into the wounded areas,” added Lee, according to KBR. “We have also discovered a parasite never seen in Koreans before. It is making the situation worse and causing tremendous complications.”

The massive infection is most likely linked to the low levels of hygiene found in the hermit kingdom.*The worms were most likely contracted by eating vegetables fertilized with human feces, the doctors believe. There are many ways to safely use manure to fertilize fields, however, it appears that North Korea doesn’t use these practices.*


Yet some ftards believe these apes have nuclear power
Doesn't realise many places use human shit for fertilizer - not a good idea but what else are you gonna do with it - truck it out?

Portugal would be a human shit type place, guaranteed
Doesn't realise many places use human shit for fertilizer - not a good idea but what else are you gonna do with it - truck it out?

If you're from Milwaukee, they sell your shit for a profit.

Exactly what is Milorganite?
Milorganite is one of the oldest branded fertilizers on the market. It’s composed of heat-dried microbes that have digested the organic matter in wastewater. Milorganite is manufactured by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.