Harvey Weinstein - Another pervert Jew outed

I'll still watch the shit out of DeNiro movies. Too bad child fucking hasn't made a decent movie from him in the past 20 years though... You would think it would give him magical powers or something.
I really don't think I would give a shit. A good actor is a good actor, I don't give a fuck what they do in private (or what used to be considered private)

when are they going to start telling us that they touched their own pee pee once
It’ll be a bigger deal when trump passes a law requiring chemical castration for repeat offenders.

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well, look who's next..

LOL I just came here to post that story about Louis. A lot of people knew about Louis locking girls in his dressing room and jerking off in front of them. Nobody cares until the NYT says something about it.
as long as keanu reeves doesnt turn out 2 be a rapist pedophile im good

supposedly there's been a longstanding rumor that Keanu (possibly Tom Cruise as well) was raped by David Geffen--billionaire film/music producer and huge 'philathropist'/Dem donor like Weinstein

Never even heard of the show but boy do the writers have a think for Kevin Spacey.

creepy uncle Joe is next on the list.
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All these high powered Hollywood asses finally getting theirs - how long until the allegations start falling on these high charged politicians - pizza gate is not finished.
ck is still the funniest comedian on the planet

even though he's a total perv

CK is about 50% funny. Billy paletits Burr is way better

CK isn't even one of the top 100 comedians on the planet. Bill Burr would make the top 25 for sure. Along with Joey Diaz, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Jim Carey, John Cleese...Fucking Eddie Izzard in a dress would be higher on that list than CK. Dude is Tom Arnold rung at best.
odio, i kno ur hart is broken and ck deserves 2 be lumped in w/ tom arnold b/c he did that exact shit to so many younger/lesser-known comedians on various "panel" shows but pls don't

it's cruel

it's like as if u were forcing him 2 watch u touch urself