Las Vegas/Mandalay Bay mass shooting

read the maga thread and u will start to understand the depths of disturbed that these old white people are, it's a real eye opener
I think it's more the fact that u have 350M ppl, and 350M guns

There is going to be a cray asshole of some kind who wants to go out with a bang
at what point do we say enough is enough and have a serious conversation about the bad hombres who are white men over the age of 40

it's time to deport
Read more history on the guy. Some people say he was a loner and a dick, other people say he was nice and friendly. Sounds like the guy was a very successful professional gambler. Maybe he lost it all recently and decided to go out with a bang? Other than that, not seeing much motivation for anything here......
the old n angry crew have already decided he was a bernie bro, don't listen to the fake news media jomo

i mean who other than deranged lefties would wear pussy hats? No wonder the left sympathizes with islam so much they both are prone to terror, fits of violence and hate civilied society
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I don't think they manufacture fully automatic guns in mexico... so who sells them to the mexicans?

maybe instead of looking for gun control on population level, look for whom your gun manufacturers are selling the guns to... maybe don't let em arm every jihadist in middle-east and every criminal group in south america?
Someone offered me a deactivated Thompson machine gun last year for about 1k. A guy I knew of back in the 1070's on my paper route had built most of a M60 from parts. They are around and turn up once in awhile.

You can't manufacture or own automatic weapons in Mexico. The last loophole was those rim fire cartridge pistols manufactured by Trejo until 1972, which haven't been legal to own for decades. Most weapons there come in through Guatemala or from the US.
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Nope, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying identify the problem and then address it. You haven't identified the problem, you're letting emotional bias overtake reason and logic. The problem is not fully automatic rifles. The problem is not semiautomatic rifles. To make the largest impact, you HAVE to focus on handgun violence, particular in gang usage and in suicides. It's a little sticky regarding our constitutional rights vs the social desire to lessen gun violence, but addressing the ACTUAL problem will see genuine results beyond making people feel safer even when they're not.

If you want to talk problems, the root problem is the 2nd amendment. It was a noble and possiby genuinely valid sentiment 250 years ago. But as with a lot of things the sentiment it was founded on is now outdated and archaic.

Another big problem (imo) is the way the US population has grown since then (its hard for me to articulate and explain exactly what i mean in english) But in short: the floodgates were opened and a lot of different groups, ethnicities, religious and political views came to the US. Most people came with only two bare hands and most were left to fend for themselves from the get go = lots of tension and aggression + crime is easy) Perpetuate this for a few centuries. It took a long time before the US had any meaningful system of handling immigrants.

Yet another problem is the relative ease of actually aquiring a weapon. Minimal background checks, loopholes and basically over the counter purchasing. When its so easy to get a gun its also so easy to buy a gun off of someone who isnt a licensed dealer.

And like nigafool touched on the 2nd amendment is now become so ingrained into the minds of americans that it if you try to do anything about it, its now all about 'muh rights, mah freedom, its always been this way'

And thats why the solution is so simple but at the same time so hard to implement:

Make it harder to buy guns.
You will hate it and your children probably wont like it. But if thats the reality then in a few generations it will be the new normal and no one will miss the days when you could buy a gun at walmart. Just like no one does in europe and pretty much everywhere else in the world. Its basically a sacrifice you have to make in order to create a better tomorrow for your country (no matter how cliche it sounds) and i get that it fucking sucks for you because youre used to it being like it is now and humans are selfish creatures.
I don't think they manufacture fully automatic guns in mexico... so who sells them to the mexicans?
You mean, besides the Obama administration? Every country that can confiscate enough AK's will sell them to whomever and Mexico and their cartels are big buyers. Black market international arms dealing is big money.