There needs to be a civil war FPS


Veteran XV
Like medal of honor/call of duty style. huge campain, mp, dlc, the works. I don't care if muskets do .001 dps it would still be fun.
I always wanted a WW1 shooter. Now I guess there is one, but i don't game like that any more :shrug:
yeah even the WWI game had to include guns that weren't invented for another 30 years. civil war gotta be trash.

you know the campaign would be about a runaway slave joining the union to fight the confederacy and kill whitey though because no way could a civil war FPS in 2017 not be about that
Yeah, a shooter with 19th century muzzle loaders allowing an astounding 2-4 shots per minute sounds like a hoot. If you're lucky you'll take a bullet to the head trying to reload and have to start the level over. Otherwise the game slowly kills you with dysentery or typhoid, and between every chapter you get a limb amputated. Sign me the fuck up.
You guys aren't thinking outside the box, Civil War 2020 is the game you want to play.

Don't worry, it'll be out soon. Some say the graphics might be too realistic.
can I have a FPS race war sim where I can roleplay as supertrap?

jerking my dick off in night vision black ops gear popping heart pills and eating MREs
not far back enough there needs to be a stone war fps. also known as "the first war" the battle between two tribes clashing for territory while everyone uses rocks as weapons
3 shots a minute sounds fun. Voice chat for the Confederates would probably be entertaining though.