is there some kind of screenshake when you hit a midair?

it doesn't seem to happen all the time but if you watch your vid at 0.25 speed you see what appears to be screenshake when you get MAs

unless you were like, taking splash damage a bunch of the time u hit MA's, or added the shake in post

thats weird

for reference: at 13 seconds, 17/18 seconds, 35 seconds, 37 seconds, 38 seconds, 44 seconds, 54 seconds, and a really really obvious one at 57 seconds where the whole screen wobbles like crazy
some of those are imposed and some of those are just screen shake from hitting a midair so close he got splash from it

yeah i guess i see the splash on some of them now that i look at it, i think part of it is that some of them look surprisingly far away to take damage from and it looks like the explosion animation isnt even close

like, the one at 33 seconds, yeah for sure in range for splash, but the splash damage at 35 seconds seems surprisingly far away

guess its netcode too, like the midair grenade that seems to miss at 48 seconds and then registers like 200ms later
like, i get that it 'feels' more immersive but

but it also fucks up aim and devolves into a who can do damage first to fuckup the other persons aim kind of thing

there's a reason why T:A removed it in the OOTB patches, it looks cool to newbs and for videos but it doesn't actually do great things for gameplay

its aesthetic over function, which i fundamentally disagree with
yeah, it's something you should have enough feedback on already

i'd say remove it or tone it down to almost imperceptible levels but i think as you said, some devs are really attached to it for aesthetic reasons

which i think is kind of a silly approach because aesthetics over gameplay is a poor choice imo

like, they're literally ignoring mistakes that t:a made, learned from and corrected later
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Osiris was in T2 last night and had just purchased MA and was working on T2 voice pack for MA and also t2 keyboard layout remapping..

sylock was really raving about MA and how much he liked it a few weeks looking forward to it...

I sent email while back to MA and ask about free media access pass and got no response.
It feels closer to T1 than any other Tribes game and the maps are recognizable. The game needs more players before it's something I'd encourage anyone to buy if they weren't a Tribes player.