I think i'm going to invest in AMD this year.

why on earth do you have money in stocks right now with bitcoin smashing records on the daily and doubling market cap in the past few months?
currency trading (if you're investing in BTC) is extremely different than investing in equities. I wouldn't even know how to evaluate the risk on the first one.
currency trading (if you're investing in BTC) is extremely different than investing in equities. I wouldn't even know how to evaluate the risk on the first one.
i'm not the guy to give expert advice, i'm just riding the wave. i moved what was going to be a mostly precious metal focused savings strategy to BTC. i'm very glad I did as I've lost $200 on the silver bar I bought 2 months ago which is contrary to the most recent BTC position that I took and that .... well looks like we had a $100 pull back last night so my most recent position is only up $250 now with my original buy in from 6 months ago up just over 100%.

idk - i'm in well below my oh shit threshold so if this all blows up i'm totally fine. however at this rate i'll have my home down payment about 6 months early ;-).
11.23 at noon today. Typical day trader chariot race as people try to figure out just what the hell is going on and what they are going to do about it. They are questioning a short hold vs. long hold, and getting out or going in (but the big positions have already been made earlier in the week.)

Still. that's like +10k for the week. Next week will be mixed but positive.
currency trading (if you're investing in BTC) is extremely different than investing in equities. I wouldn't even know how to evaluate the risk on the first one.

How do you do it for the latter? For example, TSLA will hit 400 dollars next year. That's not based on any logic from what I can see, just the personality cult of Musk. Not a cent of profit since 2003, every car going out 20k in the red. Vehicle manufacturers make three models i.e. low end, mid, high end. S is high end, 3 will be low end. Low end makes no money, exists only for brand recognition.

How do you do it for the latter? For example, TSLA will hit 400 dollars next year. That's not based on any logic from what I can see, just the personality cult of Musk. Not a cent of profit since 2003, every car going out 20k in the red. Vehicle manufacturers make three models i.e. low end, mid, high end. S is high end, 3 will be low end. Low end makes no money, exists only for brand recognition.


everyone WANTS what he wants. they want space, electric cars. HE is giving everyone what they want and they are buying his stocks. When the momentum stops its going to be ugly but atleast we will have better technology because of it right?
8:30 west coast.

11.48-10.20(10,000 shares) - 200 = 12,600.00

This is my one week total, now a 12.6% capital gain.

Calling day trading a chariot race follows the idea that on any given day the price of the stock will make a circle around a fixed value point. It may start out at 10 dollars and go to 11, but then in the afternoon it gets sold off and may be down to 9. This cycle just repeats itself every day usually, with traders making a guess at what time of the day they want to buy or sell the stock in order to profit from the difference in the price.
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"Guy shows how to make 10k in one week on a stock pick, but he is still crazy."

Your own argument is catching up to you, my fine sir.

When you actually put $100K of your own real money down on a stock, then you can start talkin

until then you haven't done shit
How do you do it for the latter? For example, TSLA will hit 400 dollars next year. That's not based on any logic from what I can see, just the personality cult of Musk. Not a cent of profit since 2003, every car going out 20k in the red. Vehicle manufacturers make three models i.e. low end, mid, high end. S is high end, 3 will be low end. Low end makes no money, exists only for brand recognition.


yeah, this is what makes me really question this whole stock market. you read all the advice and its 99% based on highs and lows and trading volume. no one every says oh hey they are going to build this, make this, this is in the pipeline, and they have these things going on in R&D. instead it seems like people are just riding fucking waves of big money traders pushing the numbers.
Opened really positive with major buys and is now at 12.34.

(12.34-10.20)10,000-200=21,400.00 profit in eight days.

I guess I could afford one of those Miami Vice 365GTB kit cars now.

But remember, I am having a psychotic break, and Rayn is all powerful and knowing. All hail Rayn!

But I'm having a +21,400.00 psychotic break today.
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The most I probably invested at one time before I blew a lot of my money on a MA, and then was pretty much robbed of a couple of estates I would have got and about 20k of my own money was 45k. The last big stock deal I carried out was riding up Ford from 1.30 a share to 7.50 a share.

Criminals don't rob poor people. Chances are my family had some real cash at one point and it was slowly siphoned away. And you guys watched part of it happen here in real time, when I got hit with those scams. It was a more elaborate version of the Maria Duval scam, and in fact I think they were testing the technology that was eventually used in the Maria Duval scam.
As far as I can tell, dozens of sets of memories were collected and then projected out into thousands of copies of myself, and many of those copies were then robbed and a lot of them killed.

Imagine suddenly remembering hundreds of conversations with criminals and people doing some pretty weird shit.

And when it first started, it was only that I remembered some of the objects as once belonging to my family. Once I had them, then a second set of memories would be remembered, like that a silver coin from the 1700's engraved on one side and turned into a brooch in the 19th century was actually a badge one of the criminals had used to identify himself when he went and collected skims from casinos in Nevada.

When I received the coin in the mail, someone posing as my "girlfriend" had tried to get it from the mailman. I returned it of course when I fully remembered the circumstances behind it. I returned a lot of the shit at that point and stopped cooperating with it.
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The Maria Duval scam appears to have used something similar. It also appears to have used a form of pre-targeting of its victims, as many of them were in the first stages of dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

They probably received something to induce the memory at some point, and then a metal token that was connected to the specific memory. At that point they believed the person they were dealing with was like a family member and an old time friend. This explains all the odd correspondence they sent back and forth, describing Maria in glowing terms.

There were posters they were asked to focus on, and coins also that were used to insure that the people stayed in the right position so that the payment was received by the correct person on the other side, and not by another. The poster featuring sets of alternating red and blue circles has no other real use.

Then afterward, someone collected the money, and part of this apparatus has been uncovered (a company was doing it and illegally transporting the money by plane.) The money then went around to the people who started the scam (Chinese Vampire Billionaire, some people in India.)

They then removed the initial memory kick from the object, if they even bothered with that, and the victims began to have problems remembering what exactly happened. They could also put in a batch of really negative memories like they did with me, as a form of blackmail to keep them silent.

I can't fins a pic of the red and blue target poster, but this is the kind of thing they did:

Future fraud: cons thousands with the promise of happiness | FOX6Now.com

Nice use of red and blue here:

The Light Keeper: Mail from Maria Duval -- or Best Laugh of the Week

This might be known as "the stinger" scam, because it corresponds to that "40 days of pain" people suffer in the bible at the hands of devils that are like scorpions. They love using that kind of stuff, and say right in their material, "study the coin for 40 days and you will reach enlightenment."

The problems governments had with stopping the scam are a result of it being able to move around and avoid detection, or to change and hide itself instantly. The FBI can't figure this out, and if they have they aren't saying too much about it.
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