Official DNC Thread

Probably the $300M dollars and countless volunteer hours that were literally a waste of time because it was all rigged from the start, only to then see Hillary completely ignore their entire platform because she knows they'll have to vote for her anyway.


should have got in on that $15 an hour mw or bust

facebook dominated by michelle obama saving the DNC, or something, havent seen one post about dncleaks, bernie chants, etc
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WTF is wrong with people? The flag is THE symbol of the country. You know - that place we live - pay our taxes and love? Nationalism is good. Being proud of your race is good. Being proud of your neighborhood is good. Being proud of your school is good. Parents, children, company etc. I do not understand why you would not want to be proud of anything that is worth being proud of. Flags are a symbol of pride.
Even if Bernie decided to do something else, he is already a sell out. He already endorsed that scum sucking hill troll which stands for everything he said he was against.
I suppose it would be a little awkward to have an illegal immigrant on stage with a flag framed behind her.
WTF is wrong with people? The flag is THE symbol of the country. You know - that place we live - pay our taxes and love? Nationalism is good. Being proud of your race is good. Being proud of your neighborhood is good. Being proud of your school is good. Parents, children, company etc. I do not understand why you would not want to be proud of anything that is worth being proud of. Flags are a symbol of pride.

I'd be shocked if Hillary gets 1 military vote.
Melania copies a few lines of speech and it's headlines for an entire news cycle. DNC breaks federal laws on stage and the media doesn't even mention it.
As a non American I am shocked and even saddened by this lack of patriotism.

My entire life I have associated you guys and especially your politics with red white and blue, flag wavin, ticker tape, firework blazing spectacle and passion.

This is fucking weak sauce you guys.
Bring back the ducking stool and drown that witch!

WTF - they have broken the USA

The new narrative is that the mails were hacked by Russia and modified, the originals aren't that bad honest!

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The tanks are going to roll on philly. Stfu bernie bots, mom knows best!!! The dnc is taking their signs away.

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