Terror attack on Satirical newspaper in Paris - 12 confirmed dead

It seems the phrase "produce or shut the fuk up" has chased a few posters from this thread. C'mon back :hellen: I won't start the "I fukd my sister" threads till next week.

absent you silly little boy, still waiting for that proof. It has to be awesome my reindeer fucking friend, there's a million pages of captured Nazi doc's, several million eye witness accounts and other primae facie evidence all stacked against you.

But do try to post something within a month. And if you can't produce then shut the fuk up.
Proof of what you imbecile? You need to take your meds. There weren't 'millions of pages of captured Nazi docs,' the entire holohoax is based on them supposedly destroying everything. How about you provide evidence that 20-30 million persons died of hunger (that you called starvation, not being intelligent enough to understand the difference) in Russia during any given year or even throughout the whole war. As stated, David Irving says the diary you drew your bogus quote from is a forgery. If you challenge him on this, you better produce multiple books on the subject of the 2nd World War as he has. I never really did pay attention to you before, but it does seem like you are one fucked up whacko.
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y rly. I mean who would of thought that a neg rep in jest would result in thread stalking. I just thought havax was bigger than that small time shite. :shrug:

Still waiting on you absent, but if the past is any judge, you'll cut and run like a reindeer being chased by a half masted Finlander.
Shut up :hellen: and go self medicate on a sports is my life article.

Rep means nothing, thread stalking for years on end is rather irritating, especially from a twink like Data, or Mr small time havax. lol @ being pissy for being grey reps - and out of humour.

Calling out a hard core racist on his self deluded bs is a pleasure. If the past is any indication, this "cognitively dissonant" shithead will run.

Where you at now absent with your proof?
nobody's stalking, you self-absorbed twat

people on tw regularly point out stupidity - and it just so happens that your posts are constantly filled with it

the fact that you can't figure this out just furthers the point that you are bad at posting, and likely everything else in your miserable life :lol:
» Affaire Charlie : la famille du policier « suicidé » n’aura pas accès au rapport d’autopsie

Rough translation:
- Family won't get access to the autopsy documents, when they should legally be able to get them
- His weapon had no silencer, yet no one heard the shot, apparently his office was "well isolated"
- He was indeed working on the Bougrab side of the event and had apparently reached important conclusions according to his mother
- According to authorities, he put the gun on his forehead and the bullet stayed inside his skull.
- His family doctor refuses to acknowledge the suicidal psychological portrait made of him in msm
- The mother was denied information about the last call he made
- Four alleged police directors from Paris came down to visit her to convince her it was a suicide.