3rd Person Hosting vs Non Hosting

S_hift said:
would this work as a sensitivity script for movement? Like if you wanted to move the player a little slower for lining up deployables would this do it? In theory it would go back to normal as soon as you release the combination.

bindAction(keyboard0, make, control, "w", TO, IDACTION_MOVEFORWARD, 0.009900);
bindAction(keyboard0, make, control, "s", TO, IDACTION_MOVEBACK, 0.009900);
bindAction(keyboard0, make, control, "a", TO, IDACTION_MOVELEFT, 0.009900);
bindAction(keyboard0, make, control, "d", TO, IDACTION_MOVERIGHT, 0.009900);

reason i need someone to try it: my grenade throw is bound to control already. I'll just kill my own stuff if i try to set defense