nsfw white females in tight dresses

no lemme show you a pic of this chick from my hometown. i don't know if she photoshops her pics or if she's a genetic anomaly.

Confi do you prefer white pussy over brown and if so why

I feel that I am qualified to answer this question.

White pussy can be a little dry. It is also largely without flavor.

Brown pussy has a lot of flavor but there can be some parts that you aren't really sure of their origin.

You know what you are getting with white pussy. Brown pussy is more mysterious.
Of coarse, but not to the degree of chimp, Muslim, or Indian. White chicks want to have a sun tan, glowing color. When it comes to blacks, the best looking are Mulatto (which means a mix of white and black parents). Beyonce would be the best example here. I guess I'm saying there's extreme's on both sides, and those races will eventually die out over time if political correctness would stop brainwashing people.

Dude is so fucking dumb I almost missed the apostrophe abuse.