You raff yuo roose v.3871

browsing craigslist.

half tempted to email this guy.

Invention for sale - $200000 (pacific heights)
My invention is not computer or internet related but an everyday household item with a worldwide marketing possibility.
The product is ready for marketing and prototypes, drawings and specifications are available. A patent pending can be renewed and the product is ready to be manufactured.
The R@D and prototype investments where $250,000.00. I am retired and would sell it for $200,000.00
If you are interested I will send you a Non-Disclosure Form and show you the product after you signed it.
Serious inquiries only
"yeah but who are you really looking to fail?" kid looks around and then points to self, "me" pauses dramatically and then continues, "or god".

I guess he got

( •_•)>⌐■-■

Left Behind
