
Veteran XV
WBAI Radio - NYC

Guess what

Lynne Rosen John Littig: Brooklyn Self-Help Radio Hosts Commit Suicide Together

holy shit lol. The fucking irony

Despite projecting positive messages like “it’s always too early to quit,” the couple decided to ignore their advice and end their lives early, together.



Lynne Rosen, 46, and John Littig, 48, reportedly committed suicide by placing plastic bags over their heads and inhaling helium.

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At first glance, I thought the side by side pic was pre-op/post-op female to male transsexual.

I have yet to see evidence to the contrary.
This seems to be occurring at an alarming rate. People who have apparently found a way to resolve their troubles, finding a following in the media, and then offing themselves in a most unexpected way.

I wonder if this is all part of a ploy. People who are severely depressed and suicidal probably want to go out with a bang, or at least with hordes of people who care, people who mourn at their funeral, and an eulogy about their greatness. This seems to be an effective way to accomplish that.

1. feign finding god or a cure
2. using a noble cause to preach and form a following
3. die with maximum impact

Fuck these assholes. Either read self-help in privacy, or go see a fucking therapist.
HION thread, wasted pussy/ blowjobs, permanent solution to a temporary problem, sandpaper, and so forth.